Sunday 13 January 2013

Captured Moments.


There's this video instillation in the museum which I'm temping at that's got me thinking. Its a film of a hand drawing on the back window of a car which is driving past greenery. Initially I sneered at it, in the 'I don't appreciate contemporary art' kind of way until I read the concept note. It was supposed to symbolize how we spend so much time trying to capture a moment that we stop actually experiencing it.  

I often catch myself wanting to take photographs or keep little tokens from an event (I have numerous scrap books from my youth filled with gig tickets and pieces of wrapping paper from presents I've loved)! Wanting to remember a moment isn't bad but being so preoccupied with capturing it that you forget to be there is. 

Working as a temp is proving to be a bit of a life lesson, it's teaching me to live in the moment as I never quite know where I'm going to be, when I'll be working or how much money I'll have. I'm still doing my refugee youth work but this is only a few hours at a time, so my weeks for the moment are very cut and paste. I'm beginning to find value in simple things, magpies on my walk to the train, reading a wildlife conservation book on the cramped commute, cups of tea after hours of standing and having Antonio surprise me at work, by popping in to say hi. Life is in the seemingly mundane moments, the little fragments of scene which make up the bigger picture. 

Time here is space. Space here is time.  

Funnily enough January is proving to be productive despite some set backs. I've applied to the masters course 'Global Wildlife Health and Conservation' at Bristol University which I'm crossing fingers and toes I get onto, I've taken up rock climbing again and I'm searching for full time jobs with a vengeance. Creativity is in surplus, I've got not one but two zines on the go and I'm feeling inspired all the time. To a spectator you could say within my that I'm treading water or stuck in limbo, but quite frankly I'm pretty darn happy! 

So this week (praying that the snow staves off by Saturday),
I'm going surfing near York!! I am so monumentally STOKED and excited that just mentioning it makes me shake in my boots for fear of jinxing it. I've reconnected with a University acquaintance, a fellow soul surfer who I think might be my surfing partner in crime. Isn't it wonderful the people who touch our lives? I think when you encounter passion in a person, someone who reflects your own hopes and ideals its important to keep hold of that kindred spirit, special people don't come along very often. 

Winter surfing in the UK...what could possibly go wrong? 

Today's Inspiration.

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