Wouldn't be a very good surf yogini now would I if I didn't provide you with some yoga advice to improve your surfing?!
Having being a keen runner, swimmer and gym bunny I can vouch with all the credibility of a certified yoga teacher that yoga seems (in my opinion) the best exercise to compliment your surfing. On an anatomical level yoga increases core strength which contributes to better balance (which you sure as hell need when trying to stand up on a moving board)! The balance postures such as eagle pose, warrior III etc challenge your brain increasing your concentration and all that stretching can help prevent injury.
Perhaps the most important benefit of yoga is that it creates mindfulness and focus through meditation and pranayma (breathing) techniques. When the fear factor starts to take over in a big wave situation it is the breathing techniques I use in my yoga practice which drags my attention back to the present and helps me regain my composure. Here are a few yoga moves which I feel really help with improving your surfing (when your stuck on land like me and need something to do)!
Upward facing dog.
Up dog is a good surf move for various reasons. Firstly it is great for the lower back and for stretching out the abdominal muscles. I find this asana (posture) particularly good because it reminds you to keep your hands by the side of your chest when inhaling up, this is exactly the same placement of the hands for an effective pop up. Placing the hands anywhere but at the side of your chest causes the board to wobble and for you to wipe out.
Chaturanga (yoga push ups).
They are brutal but my gosh they work! Chaturanga i.e. yoga push ups are all about upper body strength and core. If you repeatedly do these in a vinyasa flow sequence you will make your pop ups a hundred times easier.
Kakasana (crow pose)
Crow pose might not look like an obvious posture for surfing but it is a balance and any balance is great for mental focus and concentration. This also happens to target the upper arms again helping with those pop ups. Below is a step by step guide follow from left to right to accomplish this pose.
Salabhasana & Dhanurasana (Locust & bow pose)
Both locust and bow pose mimic the position the lower back is in when your paddling out on a surf board. As the lower back is such a delicate area any asana which strengthens this is good in the long run. Remember your only as young as your spine!

Don't wish for it, work for it. Make time in your schedule to meditate, make it a priority as routine as brushing your teeth. Help yourself be a better surfer by visualizing riding those waves creating mental clarity necessary to accomplish just that.
There are a multitude of asanas (the yogic way of saying postures) that I could have included in this guide but these are the ones which stand out in my mind as being particularly beneficial. Get your butt to a yoga class near you and start seeing the positive ramifications in your life.
Until next time,
Stay strong and surf well
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