Friday, 23 January 2015

!Vamos a la playa!

"Surfing is like having a cold bucket of water thrown over you-over and over again..." said one of my yoga students recently, who also happens to be another land locked surfer?! 

Finally after 4 MONTHS of drought I returned to my beloved Saltburn and surfed! I'm talking freezing winter North Sea conditions where neoprene isn't just a matter of convenience it is an absolute necessity. Oh glorious beloved Saltburn! 

On my first day in the water I surprised myself with how well I surfed, I don't mean to sound smug on the contrary I was fully expecting epic wipe outs due to being away for so long. Blessed with two foot glassy waves in lovely clean lines (i.e. play waves), I was able to rehearse the pop up over and over again and begin having a proper go at turning. 

The waves made it fun but the people made it awesome, our post surf down time was spent in a Saltburn surfer's beautiful wooded back garden having a BBQ and bonfires, which seems so novel in the middle of a British winter. 

Other stuff that happened this week.....Yoga with unwashed hair, in your PJ's in between the furniture of your parents house! That's the great thing about Yoga it doesn't need to occur in exotic beach locations or be overly complex, just get on your mat and practice Word of warning ladies: dressing up in traditional Mexican clothes, drawing on a mustache and speaking Spanish at your boyfriend is not sexy or romantic as a theme for date night!!! 

And last of all my gorgeous little butter ball Bruh the bunny as ever my little source of happiness! 

Until next time 
Stay strong, surf well 


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