It would be easy as a yogini to accentuate the good in my life in order to promote a positive facade. This however is not reality. Just like everybody else I have my 'meh' days, where I wake up and find fault with my world and by my world, I of course mean the small parameters of my life.
Sometimes things don't go your way, people won't act or behave how you want them to or your job will create difficulties. As a land locked surfer the daily grind of reliving the fact that I'm not surfing is a constant dig in the ribs, (especially when your Northern surfer friends are getting great swell...its like constantly not being invited to a party).
It is a privilege to be able to moan about your lot, of having your basic human rights met to such an extent you can find reasons in others areas to not be happy. This is where the yoga/surf philosophy comes in, if we create positive grooves for ourselves, i.e. a routine which is positive and provides opportunities to be grateful these patterns will become permanent and as a result, we'll live more fulfilled lives purely because we'll be able to see our own privileges.
Today I was beating myself up for not eating as healthily as I should, for still not being in my own place, for not having a 'career' as such and for still not being able to get a friend for Bruh bunny -a pretty extensive list of invites for my pity party. I then got on my yoga mat, meditated before going for a run in the winter sunshine. None of these earlier worries have been resolved (although I did have a cup of green tea so that counts as being healthy right)?! What's changed is my attitude towards them. We can indulge in feeling 'meh' about some things in our lives but dwelling there isn't good for anyone.
If your feeling more 'meh maid' than anything else then I shall tell you the secret.
Go meditate.

Whether its in lotus style up a Himalayan mountain, walking your dog, running towards the sea, sat astride your surfboard or just taking a few mindful breaths in on the morning commute. Look inwards and find sense in the gentle inhalation and exhalation of your breath.
Until next time
Stay strong, surf well
Sometimes things don't go your way, people won't act or behave how you want them to or your job will create difficulties. As a land locked surfer the daily grind of reliving the fact that I'm not surfing is a constant dig in the ribs, (especially when your Northern surfer friends are getting great swell...its like constantly not being invited to a party).
It is a privilege to be able to moan about your lot, of having your basic human rights met to such an extent you can find reasons in others areas to not be happy. This is where the yoga/surf philosophy comes in, if we create positive grooves for ourselves, i.e. a routine which is positive and provides opportunities to be grateful these patterns will become permanent and as a result, we'll live more fulfilled lives purely because we'll be able to see our own privileges.
Today I was beating myself up for not eating as healthily as I should, for still not being in my own place, for not having a 'career' as such and for still not being able to get a friend for Bruh bunny -a pretty extensive list of invites for my pity party. I then got on my yoga mat, meditated before going for a run in the winter sunshine. None of these earlier worries have been resolved (although I did have a cup of green tea so that counts as being healthy right)?! What's changed is my attitude towards them. We can indulge in feeling 'meh' about some things in our lives but dwelling there isn't good for anyone.
If your feeling more 'meh maid' than anything else then I shall tell you the secret.
Go meditate.

Whether its in lotus style up a Himalayan mountain, walking your dog, running towards the sea, sat astride your surfboard or just taking a few mindful breaths in on the morning commute. Look inwards and find sense in the gentle inhalation and exhalation of your breath.
Until next time
Stay strong, surf well
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