When your a land locked surfer its sometimes hard to get your wave 'fix' in the midst of deadlines, commitments and stuff generally getting in the way. Obviously our obsession for surfing often overrides those prior engagements but sometimes you have to hide the wet suit and stay home. So how do you live the surf life when you live in the city? Surround yourself with surf friends/things.

Do something for the sea!
You don't have to join Greenpeace's sea shepard but doing something awesome for sea conservation is one way of truly declaring your love for all things marine!
Tell yourself your a surfer everyday.
Meditate on it if you have to but make sure you embrace and celebrate that you have found something that makes you goofy happy and remember you are a surfer because you are passionate about the ocean not because you ride for Roxy!
Until next time
Stay strong, surf well
Here's my not entirely accurate list!
Make your home look like its a beach house.
As a yogini I'm going to reiterate acquiring 'things' doesn't make you happy but surrounding yourself with positive influences and inspiration is so fantastic for the soul! Here's some beauties I've seen on pinterest to get the creative juices flowing.

I've never had it explained to me but surfers seem to have an unhealthy obsession with coconuts. They either rub it in their hair, slather it their bodies as cocoa butter, fry their food in it or drink the water. For some reason when I do any of those things I feel more like a surfer?! Go figure.
Power dress.
In the same way you wear a suit to get a job I think if you want to feel like a surfer dress like one, (ok maybe don't wear a wet suit on the morning commute, but you get where I'm going with this). Whilst the outside stuff isn't all that important it does give a 2 second blurb about who we are and acts as a reflection to others about our preferences. I find dressing in that casual, laid back boho vibe makes me feel like I'm living the surf life. It can't hurt can it.

Do something for the sea!
You don't have to join Greenpeace's sea shepard but doing something awesome for sea conservation is one way of truly declaring your love for all things marine!
Tell yourself your a surfer everyday.
Meditate on it if you have to but make sure you embrace and celebrate that you have found something that makes you goofy happy and remember you are a surfer because you are passionate about the ocean not because you ride for Roxy!
Until next time
Stay strong, surf well
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