Two weaknesses leaning together constitute a strength. therefore the one half of the world leaning against the other half becomes firm.' - Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519)
Why am I sending you a big kiss today world? Because the news lately is utterly terrifying with horrors happening against innocent people. In our grief for those victims its hard to comprehend suffering or begin to understand it. It is here I retreat to Buddhist teachings of absorbing negativity and sending out healing. I don't pretend to be able to solve the world's problems, but despite the shame, drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful place, good exists and as Ghandi rightly said we must be the change we wish to see.
In Buddhism there is a practice of transforming pain called Tonglen, it allows us to help heal suffering in the world, transforming it through positive loving thoughts. After spending most of Tuesday sobbing after hearing about the sieges in Australia, Pakistan and the awful, awful suffering endured by Kenyan street children at the mercy of quite frankly an evil man, I was feeling both furiously angry and frustrated. I was so troubled I couldn't sleep so sat on the floor of my bedroom reading books.
I recalled an extract written by the Dalai lama on the subject of the Chinese. For many years the Chinese had been killing and trying to wipe out Buddhism in Tibet, behavior which should have elicited anger and hatred from the Dalai Lama. Instead he saw his enemies as an opportunity to learn of tolerance and visualized the Chinese during their decision making processes. He sent them healing and positive thoughts so they perhaps might act more compassionately when making choices about Tibet.
In my little attic room in my parents house, I tried to visualize the Kenyan street children and the victims of the sieges sending them all the love and healing my heart possesses. Of course this alone is not enough to help, we must act practically and behave with compassion but as Confucius rightly said;
'First there must be order and harmony within your own mind. Then this order will spread to your family, then to the community and finally your entire kingdom. Only then can you have peace and harmony.' (Confucius 551-479BCE).
I'm sharing an apple with Bruh bunny as we speak and reflecting on what I can do in the parameters of my own life to try and make positive ripples out into the world. I'll let you know what I come up with...
Until next time,
Stay strong and surf well
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