Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Skateboarding is not suitable for children under 36 years of age.


I'm 25 years of age and I first learnt how to skateboard last year, in the skating world I may as well be 86. When I'm skateboarding, much like when I'm surfing, I couldn't give a rats ass about how I look or how old I am to be picking it up. Its something I envy Californians for, they seem unfazed about being a pensioner, owning a skateboard and knowing how to shred. 

Despite being 25 and Mr Sunny (the boyfriend), being 27 on Sunday afternoon, having watched me tootle about on my penny board, he bought a skateboard and we went to play in the park. His skateboard was terrible (the wheels barely revolved) but I could see that he was good. He'd learnt back when he was a kid in Nigeria, which is an unusual situation to say the least. I could tell from the smile spreading across his face that it was perhaps something he'd forgotten he liked and missed. 

Mr Sunny doesn't want to be featured on this blog, he has a corporate job which means a certain level of sensibleness - The photographer in me is stomping her feet however because I got some wonderful shots of him in black and white skateboarding. I did however get some atmospheric pics so here's a round up of our weekend playing! 

You see I wear the same clothes all the time! Can I skate in this...yes ok, I'll wear it then. 
Hopefully I won't get in trouble for this...I couldn't resist putting one photo up of Mr Sunny! I know he looks like he's standing still but the wheels on that skateboard were so rubbish that the man wouldn't pass a tortoise in a race. He did show off some neat little tricks though. 


This photograph is one of my favorite photos I've ever taken. Not because its especially good or pretty but because of what it represents. This is Birmingham city my hometown and I took this two hours into a deep conversation with Mr Sunny, the kind of talk that makes you feel like you've found your kindred spirit. We'd spent hours and hours together already prior to this photograph, so it continues to amaze me that I never notice time when I'm with him, only that it never seems enough. 

I'm trying with all my might to embrace this feeling of bliss and not to let my fears of losing it spoil living in the present. 

So how are you my darling readers? How was your weekend? 

Stay strong, surf well 

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