Saturday, 5 April 2014

I overheard on the train today a little girl ask her parents whether there were women footballers. I silently pleaded that they'd say yes and that they explain how women can do anything they put their minds too. There were murmurs of 'I think so' but sadly they didn't deliver a rousing speech on gender equality.  

The whole incident got me thinking about women in sport and how under represented they are. Or when they are mentioned its in an overtly sexual way *cough cough I'm looking at you Roxy. 

Now the words 'Rap' and 'video girls' don't usually conjure ideas of empowerment but I have to share with you Trey Songz Na Na song. 

Scantily clad women check- But wait a minute. The girls are in gym clothes functional gym clothes and although these women have enviable bodies they are strong. The main girl has muscles and abs, but its what she does which makes me think this video is empowering. Trey Songz is led into a gym and they work out together, I mean this woman is incredible, she shows him how to do pull ups, she crunches, lifts weights, she does absolutely everything he can do but better. 

Whilst watching it with Mr Sunny (the boyfriend), I was actually speechless, I didn't talk for the whole duration. The video does later have a few little flirty rap video usuals but nothing which I felt contradicted the incredible feminine strength displayed in the song. Perhaps the big surf companies out there could get a few tips from the likes of Trey Songz and represent women in a way which accentuates their strength and capabilities. 

Type, 'Surfer girl' into google and the first thing you get is bikini models stood by surfboards. It makes me sad as a woman and as a surfer. Where are the photos of us ripping? (Ok well not technically me, but there are girls who rip)! 

I've been thinking a lot about body image and how I have finally reached a place of acceptance for my own curves and edges. I've always had problem skin and for a long time this dominated my thinking, blemishes on your face are near impossible to cover up so it was through taking control of my thinking that I began to accept myself for all that I am - spots and all! I do have a few tips for those of you afflicted with problem skin, or for wanting to reach optimum health, there's a few little things that you can do which can go a long way before you try drugs and all that stuff. 


There's this magic liquid you can drink that will clear your skin, energize you and stop you having headaches....It's called water and if you drink 8 glasses of it a day you'll notice a difference. I used to be really skeptical of this especially suffering from acne because everyone says it and it doesn't seem possible when nothing makes spots budge - but water - it works. It actually does work, your body collects toxins so if you flush them out you'll be making way for clear, unblemished skin. 


With all the lotions and potions out there, picking a product suitable for treating problem skin can be something of a mine field. Having tested pretty much everything on the market I feel I have it on (fairly) good authority to suggest tea tree oil as a contender for battling blemishes. I love The Body Shops Creamy Tea Tree facial wash for £5. Morning and night it gets to business cleaning your face of dirt and impurities. 


A lovely Indian lady at work told me to do the following, squeeze fresh lemon and collect the juice, add a few teaspoons of warm water then apply to your face with cotton wool. Leave on for two minutes (or the time it takes you to brush your teeth), then rinse. This visibly reduces spots and redness. I cannot emphasize enough how great this little natural remedy is. Be careful to not leave it on too long as it does tingle a little and always test to check your not overly sensitive. 


Go surfing, run, do yoga. Just do something. Exercise makes you happy and makes your skin happy. Just try not to touch your face because you'll transfer bacteria and the sweat will help conjure a spot. 


I hate to say this, really I do because sugar and I have a long running relationship, but sugar is bad for your skin. It exasperates spots and causes inflammation as well as spiking insulin levels and all that jazz. Its definitely a trigger for me and I notice after consuming a lot of sugar products my skin is a massive indication I've done so. I know Doctors say diet doesn't effect skin but if you load up on fruit and veg, cut out sugar, drink water etc you'll improve the skin underneath the spots and eventually clear things up.


If you wear make up (guilty) opt for foundations with salicylic acid in or even better don't wear foundation and opt for a light BB cream and use a tea tree concealer (a la Body Shop) to cover up blemishes. Scaling back the make up can help reduce spots and it doesn't mean you have to go bare faced either just opt for skin kind products. 


Did you know that about yourself? Did you know that you are exquisite, that every single part of you from spots, muffin tops, cellulite, skinny hips, big butts, no ass, top lip mustaches, to hairy toes, is DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. Your unique and this is precisely what makes you beautiful. When you have a hang up about your body its easy to feel alone and think that you'll never be attractive to someone. This is ridiculous, you will always be someones cup of tea and you should start by thinking your bloody lovely first. 

We all fart, look silly when we have sex and have our gross moments, we're all human and natural so stop beating yourself up about not being perfect. 

Anywho..On that slightly crass note I'm going to go. Take care beautiful people! 

Stay strong, surf well 

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