Friday, 3 January 2014

The message in a bottle manifesto.

Walked out this morning
Don't believe what I saw
A hundred billion bottles
Washed up on the shore
Seems I'm not alone at being alone
A hundred billion castaways
Looking for a home

 'Message in a bottle' by Sting.

For most Westerners there is a privledged certainty that you WILL grow old. This high probability makes us suddenly affluent in time, which is juxtaposed by the 'now' culture and instant communication we find ourseves emboriled within. In a reality where validation and self worth are derived from 'followers' and 'like' buttons its hard to have a full grasp on reality. 

Early January tends to present moments of reflection and there is renewed vigor for self improvement. Often emphasis is placed upon celebrations being 'out of this world' and resolutions are aplenty. Recent conversations have caused me to ponder whether the high expectations which arise around new year are perhaps damaging. One day shouldn't predetermine an entire year. Although my New Years Eve was spent revelling with friends, I did have a Bridget Jones moment (which is too excrutiatingly embarassing to reiterate on here), so I started 2014 in a blaze of cringing and regret - Not exactly my spiritual or surfing reawakening!

So, let me present to you 'The Message in a Bottle Manifesto.' 

Here's what I want you to do. I want you to email me your address so  I can write to you, whoever you are. I want to pour my thoughts through the medium of pen and paper then seal it, stamp it and let it be on its merry way to you, whoever you are. I want you to reply to me, tell me your worries, lets talk like we're not strangers, or acquaintances or old friends who have lost touch. I want to perhaps fall in love with you or become your good friend. We can send each other little poems, or funny things we've seen or read anything that is a little moment of sunshine in an otherwise normal day.

Like the ocean, connecting all land mass let waves lap between the shores of our souls. 

The Method. 

1. Email me your address to 
2. I'll write you a letter. 
3. Reply to me! 

Voila! Through the medium of gloriously slow post  we'll connect in some rare and lovely way, we'll potentially share and open up about our lives - who knows!

Pretty things I saw ~ 
Beautiful photos taken by Tasha Alanah Clarke an Australian surfer girl with an awesome health life style blog 
The following photogrpahs are from the inspiring instagram feed of @coconutandlime whose blog can be found here. Another beautiful hippie lady inspiring in the blogging community!

 I hope somewhere in my ramblings you have found a thread of inspiration, something which you can latch onto and perhaps utilize. 
For me 2014 is going to be about embracing all that comes my way and learning to accept that the universe is unfolding as it should. I can be proactive and determined but there is always an element of letting things flow. I dream of love of meeting my soul mate and of continuing to serve communities both of which I hope to accomplish in equal measure this year. 

Oh and surfing. There will be lots of surfing. 

Until next time, 

Stay strong and surf well 


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