Did you know that January was named so because of the Roman God Janus who possessed one head to look forwards and one head to look back. In terms of my surfing I can see that 2013 was very much a cut and paste kind of year, it was all about gluing the pieces back on and healing, which is funny because in some cultures the ocean is considered a mother and the waves are her arms rocking you. My surf future will be about processes, by which I mean trying to use every surf session as an opportunity to learn, not berating myself too much when I wipe out because failure is an important part of growth and using life outside of the water to complement my time in the water.
Michelle Obama allegedly rises at 4.30am to have an hour or two for herself before anyone else rises. When it came to others needs she had the ability to get up any time of the day, but as an individual rarely did things for herself. Waking up early she uses that time to work out and affirms that it is the most productive time during her day.
Today I set my alarm early, I enjoyed a green tea and bowl of porridge then after an hour or so of relaxing did a forty minute yoga session. I've had an ongoing love affair with yoga that seems to rise and diminish in fervor. Today's postures reminded me how much the practice brings me back to myself and how much I relish time on my mat. It comes as no surprise that there are many forms of Yoga programs designed for surfers as the two practices are massively intertwined. Merely being on your surfboard is a yoga posture (you are in constant cobra pose). I am a firm believer in mindfulness and the power of meditation, last year I let my tongue flap about my mouth too much and said some things which aren't some of my finest speeches. This year I want to learn from those mistakes and let go of damaging thoughts. Visualizing your time on your surfboard is a sure fire way of improving what you do in the water if only because it practices focus. I did Judy Tsui's 40 minute Yoga for surfers practice (see below).
Yesterday I had a day off, one which wasn't filled with appointments or trying to catch up with people so I used the time to paint and listen to some inspiring women. Mainstream media has had a lot to say about Beyonce's recent visual album release, everything from her style, the new found aggression in her songs and the fact she did absolutely no promotion for its release. Long term followers of my blog will know I have a soft spot for Beyonce, but I don't put her on a pedestal its precisely her vulnerability which makes me admire her so much. She is the first to discuss her fears and the power of failure....she also happens to be a huge fan of the ocean.
During my painting I sat listening to her explanations of her new concept album and the theme of imperfection. I was rapt and continue to be inspired by her. People assume she has an ego, but surely anyone to reach the heights she has needs a certain level of self confidence. In my opinion she's made songs for her husband, her daughter, addressing the people who've held her down and most importantly she's made an experience for her fans. She's reclaiming her body after having a baby and showing the world that you can embody all that being a woman entails, dreaming, love, children and still be you the individual.
Watching the Beyonce videos lead me to the effervescing Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and her speech on feminism. Her words exactly encompass my thoughts on feminism and she does so with humor and affection. I urge you to watch this whether you are female or male.
Another great source of joy is found in Pharell William's new song 'Happy' I listened to this on repeat for AN HOUR. A whole hour painting and enjoying this. Whatever comes first....marriage or death, I'm having this song play me out. Isn't it wonderful when you connect to something!
Lastly I'd like to get you up to speed with the 'Message in a Bottle Manifesto,' my recent painting of late has all been in aid of the letters I'll be sending out to the brave souls who decided to take a risk. I'll be writing to a Cornish surfer, an American soldier and a local lad all of whom decided to try something wonderful by connecting through letter writing. If you want to receive a letter and maybe even some art off me too then please don't hesitate to get in touch sophia.cant.surf@gmail.com let's start a converation!
Until next time,
Stay strong and surf well

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