Your not going to believe this but...
On Sunday night I got a phone call from one of my best friends asking if I wanted to go to a red carpet event in London?! Her Uncle ran the awards ceremony and there was a space going, obviously opportunities don't come around like this often, so I immediately agreed and then worried endlessly for the next two days about what I was going to wear and how on earth I'd negotiate heels.
One panic purchase later I got myself on a train down to London and tried to comprehend the surreal situation about to unfold. It is not everyday one hobnobs with celebrities or even goes to an event where they serve expensive champagne, so I very much felt a fish out of water.
The Attitude 2013 awards were amazing, not just because of the glad rags and famous faces, but because of the incredible work they do campaigning for the LGBT community. Having many friends who are gay I am a big advocate of equal rights and feel that getting the world comfortable with homosexuality is the next greatest civil rights challenge.
During the ceremony the plight of the Russian LGBT community was highlighted making me appreciate the massive leap forward Britain has made decreeing same sex marriage as lawful. I've not been able to stop thinking about the horrendous injustices made to those who cannot help who they love, in countries like Russia and Uganda. It is a sobering thought that we still live in a world where people's basic rights are infringed.
Being gay is as much a part of someone as hair and eye colour is. It is not something one chooses but an integral part of someone's DNA. I feel Maklemore's song 'Same Love' best encapsulates all my thoughts and opinions on the matter and beautifully illustrates how attitudes need to change.
The Attitude Awards whilst profound, weren't about dwelling on the hardships to come, it focused on the positive strides being made in the LGBT community. Below are some photos which I hope convey to you what a life changing night it really was.
To all my gay readers thank you so much for taking the time to visit this little blog, real women have curves and surfboards is here in your support and will be so indefinitely, you have my love.

Stay strong & Surf well
Love Sophia
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