Thursday, 28 February 2013

Seagulls in the city.

I've got an hour or so until I have to set out to do a late shift, so I thought I'd boycott my usual vegetative state before work and do something creative by writing to you, dear blog reader. 

So seagulls, why have I started a blog post about seagulls?
As you are well aware I live in the city, the most land locked city in all of England, (its literally called 'the midlands') so you might suggest I am somewhat sea starved. Every now and again however I hear the characteristic holler of seagulls which skulk around the cathedral looking for scraps. When I hear them I have this indescribable rush of happiness, they remind me that the sea isn't that far away and eventually I'll be surfing again. They conjure images of summer holidays, the sun beating down on my neck and the water still being cool to the touch. It all makes me terribly heart glad!

To quote a friend of mine 'satisfaction is the death of desire,' which I think is a neat little saying when concerning dreams and aspirations. Having the hunger for something can in some instances be the best part. Whenever I go surfing its always over too quickly, so I'm trying to savor my land locked status and cultivate excitement for my next trip. We sometimes put too much emphasis on hoping for things that we forget to be happy right now. You might not be exactly where you want to be but start finding the silver linings and if your really not happy change that fact! 

More and more I'm beginning to appreciate that it's not what we do which is important, it's who we are which really counts. I dread the question 'so what do you do,' because its compartmentalizing all that I am in a sentence or two. Impossible. When faced with that question, pause, take a deep breath in and then exhale. Remember that if this person is going to be important in your life they won't judge you if your not doing something 'cool.' Tell them about what makes you heart glad, tell them one good thing about your current occupation, then tell them a snippet of a dream. Be positive. 

Here in Birmingham we have sunshine, its still crisp outside but I honestly feel like mother nature is giving us a little taster of whats to come. When I came across the Billabong Summer 2013 fashion trailer all those great feelings about summer went into overdrive- long evenings, sun kissed skin, the sounds and scents of people enjoying life...
I am happy exactly where I am and the prospect of summer is just adding to the generally stoked feeling! 


Stay strong, surf well! 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

There's something in the water.

I'm having a bit of a creative moment with my art work so I don't want to pause for too long...
So without further ado here are my inspirations this week! 

(Inadvertently hot surfer guys feature heavily in this post, I'd apologize but well ladies, I don't think you'll mind them much)!



I also came across this awesome vintage film about female Champion surfer Jericho Poppler. Painter, dancer and champ, Jericho helped lay the foundations for a distinctly feminine, yet powerful vision of surfing - You go Girl!

(Also wouldn't Jericho be an awesome name for a daughter? I'm going to store that one away in the memory banks should the need to name a daughter ever arise...) 

Stay strong, Surf well!

Sunday, 24 February 2013


I like you because your a mess just like us. 
           - Rae Earl, My Mad Fat Diary  

I've been a mess before, a glorious mess and I suppose there will be plenty more moments in this lifetime to be so again. Much like a wipe out a loss of control can be a great opportunity to learn something. Experiencing the graft required to get yourself out of a slump is the perfect antidote to apathy and disillusion, mess teaches us of our frailty so we don't take strength for granted.  

Take for instance my art, when I paint I tend to have a Tasmanian Devil like approach, paper flies everywhere, there are magazines piled high and books for inspiration, glitter dust, shells, odds and sods, all manner of detritus littering my floor and cloistering in every available space of my room. 

The music is amped up and I lose myself, I allow every particle of my body to go with the flow and really be in the moment. Art sets me free much like surfing. I don't pretend to be a 'proper' artist as most of my paintings/drawings are for fun, they aren't technical and don't require much thought but I sometimes wonder can I call myself an artist anyway?? 

This happened when I was cleaning my brushes, you see beauty in messiness!
This picture shows only half the mess I made. 

I love paint on my hands makes me feel like a 'proper' artist!
This might well just be a picture of a plug hole. 
Just because its not salt water doesn't mean I don't love it! 

I currently have a project. A creative project. I'm flirting with the idea of (another) career change this time into Art Therapy. 5 days working as a support worker has thrown me into a tumultuous love affair with care work and having an inspired conversation with a colleague (and a little further research) has fueled my curiosity for art therapy. I've never pursued anything creative before because I've valued it too much, but like my wanderlust, creativity is such an integral part of my makeup. I didn't want art to become about grades and deadlines but the thought of combining creativity with helping people- Well. Like I said, I'm curious. I loved running art classes in Ethiopia and again with the refugee youth in Handsworth. Art has so much potential... 

So I'm starting to put together a portfolio. Like a proper artist's memoir, all the odd bits of work I'm bringing together to make a 'collection.' Can you guess what the theme is?? 

The messiness which follows my creative process has conjured memories of being a mess myself (when I say a mess I don't mean not washing or forgetting to shave my legs)!
I've never had depression or mental illness but I think I've flirted pretty close and have lived/known enough people to understand elements of the various sorts.

I started thinking about my first ever surf trip to Brittany and what a hot mess I was then. In a matter of days I'd lost my boyfriend, my purpose (I graduated), my home, independence and on top of that I was grieving and exhausted from trying to help someone through some pretty serious stuff.

Brittany at that time was like an Oasis in a desert of sadness. In the week I was there the ocean pulled me out of myself and I regained a little balance - Sand between my toes, wholesome food, breezy days, sunshine and cold water. Surfing in France helped me acknowledge I was in a bit of a mess and that I had infinite opportunities to sort myself out. 

Believe it or not I actually wasn't posing here I was so caught up thinking I didn't notice my Peruvian friend Keli taking some snaps! 

Where it all began. The great love of my life surfing.  
I think what I'm trying to say in an over philosophical way is that its ok to not be ok. Being vulnerable and allowing yourself to truly feel sadness means your in a better position to understand happiness as being a real gift. 

Cherish yourself for all that you are. 

Stay Strong, Surf Well 

Love always 


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Surf Mama!

'Boobs and Tubes' by Wilma Johnson 

Some people are cool. You can't put your finger on it and if you tried to bottle the stuff you'd still never recreate the magic they naturally possess now I'm not one of these people but I know a person who is. Wilma Johnson is cool precisely because she doesn't have to try too hard to be so. 
International Artist. Neo Naturist. Traveler. Earth Mother. Surfer. You could say she's a real woman with curves and surfboards! Sorry Wilma I could resist a plug there)! 

Now my regular readers will know that Wilma is a bit of a hero of mine - who doesn't love a paint wielding surfer?! So you can imagine my excitement when a preliminary email led to not only a completed interview but the wonderful realization that your hero is as awesome as you always hoped she would be. 

For some unbeknownst reason to me I'm developing a knack for getting people to do interviews. Whether its down to luck or just sheer cheekiness I'm managing to have some pretty awesome people tell me things and do you know what? Surfers are great. I mean really great, everyone I've talked to has had such warmth and humor to our conversations. 

So without further ado (or gushing) please read and enjoy the musings of wonderful Wilma Johnson! 

If you were given only a minute to explain who you are and what you do, what would be the main points?

Okay, in no particular order I’m an artist, a surfer , a writer, a single mother, a performance artist… Which of these seems most important when I wake up in the morning depends on whether I have a deadline and what the waves look like!

For the benefit of non surfers can you articulate what it is about surfing which attracted you to it and why it continues to be a driving force in your life?

I’d been married to a surfer for years, but I was really unsporty earth mother type, then one day I was watching the surfers at Guethary and I thought, I don’t care if I’m an unfit forty something mum, I want to do that, I want to stand on the face of a big fuck off blue wave out there. A lot of people thought I was nuts including myself at times, but once you start you  get hooked.
For me its not just the amazing feeling of getting a wave, I love just sitting out in the ocean looking back at the land, I feel really lucky every time I go out there.

What does it mean to be a modern female surfer living in France?

Confusion –but also confusing people, which is fun! Our original Mamas surf club sparked of a lot of other mamas clubs down the coast, and there are more younger women who surf so attitudes are changing – but between french culture and surf culture its still pretty macho out there! 

What is the landscape like for female surfers in terms of exposure and support in your opinion?

Personally I’ve had a lot of support from the local guys – they saw me wiping out constantly for a couple of years but I think I got a bit of respect for keeping going.
As far as surf industry goes…I guess its all about selling bikinis in the end….just wish they’d make one that stayed on in a wipeout!

Within your life who inspires you?

My dad, who died last year, has always been my inspiration. He had traveled the world several times over – he used to hitch hike round Europe with a suit and a book of poetry in his rucksack in the fifties. He always encouraged me in my wildest schemes  I think he’s have borrowed my board if I’d started a bit earlier.

If you were to give advice to aspiring or beginner surfers what would that be?

The best bit of advice I ever got was ‘ enjoy the wipe out’ . Just go with it and keep your arms over your head – or it might be hard to enjoy. Good news is its much more fun in deep water, so that's something to look forward to if you’re starting on the beach!

How do you balance, work, relationships etc with the desire to always be surfing?

I first read that as ‘how do you balance’- I was going to talk about yoga and my indo board – which I guess shows where my priorities lie! I try not to surf in the mornings when I’m working, and ban myself from checking the swell till noon if I have a dead line . I’m single at the moment so lets just say guys would be better off to ask me on a date during  a flat spell.
Needless to say, although they’d deny it, I would walk away from the perfect waves if my kids needed help with their homework…. But it would be hard.

Can you think of a time during your surfing/working career where you became stuck and how you overcame that plateau?

When I started it was more like climbing out of a pit than being on a plateau - I sometimes wonder how I kept going considering how crap I was, I came out of the water black and blue.

More recently, I had a long series of disastrous sessions when I was finishing my book, Surf Mama. I usually love surfing when I’m stressed, it totally relaxes me, but I did nothing but wipe out for two months. I just kept going out in the water anyway and tried to stay calm….The day I sent the manuscript in I was back on my feet! So I’d say stay Zen and keep paddling  – the better you paddle the better you’ll surf.

Describe your perfect surf destination and what a day in paradise would be like to you?

I went back to Ireland, where I spent ten years as a surf widow last October. I surfed alone on a beach fifteen miles long under Mount Brandon, the light was surreal and the whole experience was very empowering because I’d thought I was too old to start when I lived there.

Having said that it’s been a long tough winter here, so the idea of a palm fringed tropical beach, with a cabana full of my friends and family wouldn't be bad either…pina coladas at sunset, corny but good….

If you had to use only three words to describe your life what would they be?

Weird and wonderful

Thank you Surf Mama! 


Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Go down to the sea and tell me what it is you want to be 
                                    - Swim Deep, The Sea. 

My happiness is palpable, I feel it fizzing in the tips of my fingers and in every fistful of air I inhale. 
I find myself singing at random moments and when I walk around outside I honestly feel like the sun is shining especially for me. Spring is on its way (even though its supposed to get colder) and that means summer isn't too long away either! 

Am I a fantastic surfer? No. Am I rich? No. Am I exceptionally beautiful? No. What I have is purpose I've finally found equilibrium. 
It is the third day of my new job working as a support worker. I care for adults of various ages who are wheelchair bound due to numerous conditions. Most are unable to verbally communicate but when they smile it honestly lifts my heart up. The job is hard work and very physical having to help the clients with their various routines but I feel incredibly blessed to be a part of their lives. I'm already falling in love with everyone there and feel very protective. I am a very lucky woman. 

I'm starting to realize that going to university was merely ticking a box, the real work starts after you graduate that's when you prove yourself. Care work is a million miles away from my previous work experience but the physicality of the job, the opportunities to be outside and more importantly the connecting with people is really suiting me. I think I understand what job satisfaction feels like, I know its going to be hard work and I'll have my off days but I think day to day I'm going to be very content here.

This isn't to say I want to give up on wildlife conservation, that is such an integral part of my life but I'm happy for once in my life to just take each day as it comes! 

So anyway. 

I also dusted off my dancing shoes Saturday and had a ball out with some of my girlfriends. A night out on the tiles did the trick of getting me out of my funk, here's the evidence/pictures! 

This dress was an absolute steal

We were trying to do angry fight scenes. Fail. 

No I don't know what we're doing either...
Oh dear. The effect of surfers on me I guess...

The Sea.

Part of feeling myself again I think comes with the knowledge that I (kind of) have a regular surf break. So my surf break is a two sometimes three hour train ride away but I'm lucky because I have an equally enthusiastic surfer buddy, friendly Northern locals to see and beautiful empty waves. 

Naturally this STOKED attitude is accompanied by some stoke inducing music. I don't often talk about the impact of music on my life but after singing to one of the people I care for and seeing her reaction I realized how important music is. 

The Sea is a gorgeous summer song by the new band Swim Deep. Its like all the frustration for being landlocked has been dissipated by this track, I'm not alone in wanting to live by the sea!! The band happen to be from my home city (Birmingham, UK) so they are even more perfect in my eyes! Click the picture to follow the link and hear this beautiful song :) 

I hope dear reader you too are content and if you aren't that you know suffering is an inevitable part of life that you will learn from and overcome. 

Kia Kaha 

(stay strong in  Maori) 

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Adventure is an attitude.

I'm sending my love to the ocean, to the people who have made me who I am today and to the people I've yet to meet. 
I love you all. 


My heart is a little weary of late. 
I feel like my behavior recently has been so distant from who I really am that I barely recognize myself. 
This probably is sounding very cryptic but I mean it to be that way, I cannot adequately articulate how I've arrived at this thinking or wish to disclose more than really necessary. 
All I know is that I've been bombarded with options lately and rather than feeling energized by the potential of them all I've felt lost. 

I have had a bit of a revelation this Valentines morning. 
In the cold harsh light of a February day in England I realized I've been suppressing an aspect of myself, an important aspect which in many ways defines me. 

Up until recently I've felt guilty for my wanderlust I've been suppressing this side of me, thinking of it as something bad and irresponsible but now I'm wondering if denying this part of myself is whats making me so sad and confused. Travelling is me.

I've started to think that the only thing that needs to change is not the travelling itself but the set up. Instead of flitting I should pick somewhere and commit to trying to set myself up there. So. I've begun letting my thoughts drift to New Zealand...
 Ages ago in a surfer girl mag I read an article about a place called Raglan which I must have lodged in the back of my mind for safe keeping. Now I can't stop thinking about it. Surf. Check. International hippie community. Check. Nature. Check.
 I have friends that upped and left to go live in New Zealand literally in a matter of months and so I guess I'm beginning to wonder why not me too??
Now I understand this is a tad cliched; 
'British girl runs off to New Zealand to go find herself,' 
- but I'm seeing this as a template, stoking the fire if you will. You know from my many exuberant ideas a lot of the time they fall through (they are documented fairly well on this here blog), I bounce from idea to idea as I'm naturally a quite flippant person. I think however allowing myself to be emotional and explore the adventurous side of my personality might actually help me reach some kind of decision about where I want to be in life. Or more importantly how to cultivate inner contentment. 
It doesn't matter if I fail or don't go, right now I just need to embrace my curiosity and wanderlust to regain a bit of balance.

Forgive me if this is a bit of an inner monologue I just find great solace in writing to you dear blog reader whoever you might be... 

Adventure is an attitude and I'm about ready for an attitude change. 

Stay strong, surf well 

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Thoughts about skin.

If you are sensitive to images of nudity (in an artistic context) then I would suggest skipping this post! 

In my head I think this is what I want to look like! 

Lets be honest tattoos are a little bit sexy aren't they? There's something about the permanency of ink and enduring the pain to acquire them which makes them intriguing. I've always been of the mindset that they are pieces of living artwork. Equally I believe they are like wearing your journal on your body, the choice in design and the time in your life when you get a tattoo is a very personal journey and one which I want to explore. 

Now anyone who knows me well is aware of my indecisiveness. I am flippant and a dreamer so combining this personality trait with a tattoo is a potential recipe for disaster. When I was 17 I went to live on a Croatian Island and worked for a vulture conservation charity. I got it into my head that I was going to have a vulture tattoo. Yep that sinister looking bird which eats dead things, that was going to be my choice. Now the reasoning behind this idea was using the vulture as a symbol for reincarnation, about understanding that we're all part of one big cycle and that our mortality is our greatest freedom (not so lame anymore is it)! 

Since graduating the only consistency in my life has been surfing. Regular readers will know the context of this and how integral it has been to getting me back on even ground. Surfing reconnects me with myself, it makes me appreciate I am a drop in the water but really part of something. It might come as no surprise then that my tattoo aspirations are for surf themed art. 

I've been surfing of a different sort lately and found these beautiful images. I think like any decision in life researching is a good way to find out what you want to do, which is exactly what I think is needed on deciding what tattoo I want. Recently a heavily tattooed friend thought my back would be a really great place to have a wave design. Funnily enough during a brief stint as a life model (during university) I was told by a prominent artist (that's another story for another day) that I had a very nice spine, so maybe my back is a good blank canvas to start on!! 

Tattoo Envy. 

I'm fairly certain most women will like this picture! 
This photo is stunning. 

...and I'm fairly certain most men will like this picture!

This design is breathtaking what a piece!

Now that is commitment!         

Stay Strong, Surf Well