Wisdom is knowing we are all One. Love is what it feels like and Compassion is what it acts like - Ethan Walker III
Over the last few days I've continuously found myself hitting the mat, exhaling and finding solace in my yoga practice. I thought my enthusiasm for it would start to wane but I have religiously practiced everyday before breakfast (and once half way through a night shift when my back was hurting)! This has stopped feeling like a 'challenge' (even though it still hurts to touch my toes) and has morphed into something permanent, I think its becoming a way of life.
Mindfulness helps you go home to the present. And every time you go there and recognize a condition of happiness that you have, happiness comes - Thich Nhat Hanh
Another wonderful by product of all this yoga is a slightly flatter stomach and arms that don't feel like noodles when I try to hold my own body weight. Don't get me wrong handstands and getting my legs behind my head feel like a distant dream, but I see progression within my body and it feels gooood.
I can't wait to see the impact all this yoga has on my surfing and whether I'll see improvement, despite not seeing the ocean for a whole month *sob* The Vinyasa flow I've been practicing has felt reminiscent of the graceful movements of long boarders, something which I feel particularly suits feminine energy. I really want to explore long boarding as a mellow and relaxed approach to surfing and have a gut feeling it'll be a transition that may become a lifestyle choice too!

Its been a heavy week in many ways but I find myself feeling immensely grateful through it all that I have found both yoga and surfing. These two forms of mindfulness reconnect me and remind me that I am more resilient than I realize.
Saltwater heals everything!
Until next time
Stay strong, surf well
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