The night before my trip to South Africa, I didn't just cry...I bawled for fear of the unknown. At Amsterdam airport, where I got my connecting flight to Cape Town, I managed to lose my bank card, my phone refused to work, on my last but one day in S.A. I got mugged at gun point, oh and I've returned home with a chest infection, which required a hospital visit.
But my gawd, this trip was AWESOME!
On the day of my departure the quivering coward I'd been pending this trip dissolved away and was replaced by the old Sophia, the one who relishes solo travel and the challenge of a new horizon. It had been a while since I'd seen this version of myself, the intrepid explorer and I was glad to be reacquainted.
After three weeks of blog silence, I had every intention of categorizing my pictures, writing separate posts which would document each aspect of the trip and providing you my dear blog reader, with a tidy, organized series of posts...
...Except no part of this trip was 'tidy' or 'organized' in fact nearly all of it was a shambles of thrown together experiences. Some days I'd be playing super nanny in a classroom of sixty plus kids, on my afternoons I was surfing with under underprivileged teenagers and on my evenings I was walking four dogs belonging to the surf hostel.
Nothing about this trip was easy but I feel its been life affirming none the less- the difficult trips always are I guess. For once travel wasn't being used as a means of escape, I was leaving a very happy home life in order to pursue my curiosity, a thirst to see new places and meet new people.
I think subconsciously I was testing my happiness. In England I continue to thrive in a committed relationship with Mr Sunny, my surf family are my life and pretty soon I'll be moving to the ocean to surf and pursue further study. I wanted to get some distance from this picture to fully appreciate what I have and acknowledge that I'm happy. I think we often forget to look around and pay homage to the gifts we possess in this life. Travel I think is the best way of learning some home truths about yourself and for realizing your fortunes.
Surfing in South Africa has entrenched me with the feeling that the ocean is my church and time out on my board will continue to bring me solace, joy and serenity. It is also becoming a vector for positive change not only in my life but in others also, I hope I'm able to harness this positivity and help create surf realities for those not yet acquainted with the ocean.
Having a break from blogging was a much needed respite but also served to remind me how much of a healthy outlet my little place in space is. It may sound silly but you dear anonymous readers are actually pretty dam important to me!
Until next time
Stay strong, surf well

Welcome back! I was wondering if you had gotten lost in the ether! Sounds like you had an interesing trip anyways... So, I took your advice and have kindof started a bloggy thingy...and I finally got back in the wáter! http://goinglocoinlima.blogspot.com/2014/05/oh-dear.html