Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The Ocean at the end of your toes.

I surf well when my mind and body are fluid, when I lose myself in the action of surfing and I'm not over thinking the process. I know beforehand when I'm going to wipe out too, not just because a billowing monster is about to land on my head, but because my mind is elsewhere in those precious few seconds of focus before my board drops into the wave.

I've noticed when you over think things often they unravel, perhaps this is because you stop trusting your instincts and allow yourself to become too analytic.
Analysis in science is an integral part in proving or disapproving a theory in life, analysis allows us to decipher our next steps or reflect upon steps already taken. Sometimes though, I think over analysis is an environment for doubt, insecurity and self sabotage to exist. 

I say this because I am in a very good place in my life and I'm on the precipice of positive change (hopefully) so suddenly I have a lot too lose, or at least it feels like this. I'm also in a stable, blissfully happy relationship that is continually evolving into something meaningful. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again Happiness is terrifying

I often revert to Eastern philosophy to help stop me over thinking all the time, happiness much like the ocean is in constant flux, an ebb and flow. It is something which can never be controlled or captured it is better to just go with the flow and enjoy those few seconds of riding the wave. 

Weekend Sunshine. 

Here's a few snap shots of what I've been getting up too lately! 

I often have this reaction when in the vicinity of vintage.
Beautiful Adelle in the ever cool Oasis Market, Birmingham. 

A sneak peek of vintage items coming to the soon to be online store...

Bewdley, Worcestershire UK.

I spent a lovely sunny Sunday afternoon in the quaint town of Bewdley with the delectable Mr Sunny. There were antiques, farmers markets and yeah, you guessed it Vintage! A great day and highly recommended! 

This lady was incredible, she posed like this all day! 

Bargain dress which channels my 60's Bohemian desires! 

Mr Sunny is tentatively allowing me to put a few photos of us up, I'm glad because I love these shots! 
I can't remember why he felt the need to run but I love this shot, shows how cheeky he is! 

Mr Sunny was forced to pose for this photo hence why he looks a tad coerced, still gorge though! 
This was in Bewdley Museum and was all about the foundry there, definitely worth a ganders!   


Until next time land lubbers and water babies! 

Stay strong and surf well 

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