What if I told you, you could be happy 365 days of the year, every year for the rest of your life, would you think I was high? Lately I've been reading about meditation and came across the term 'diligent happiness.'
Much like drinking water is a conscious act we perform to keep our bodies hydrated, happiness is a conscious decision which we must actively make everyday of our lives.
I know I sound like a care bear but this theory makes so much sense to me because it is giving us the power to shape our own lives exactly how we want them to resemble.
Like any habit negative thinking is a pattern we get ourselves into, sometimes I liken it to sitting in a warm Jacuzzi, it's easy to luxuriate in the warmth of stagnation to get out, to brave the cold and have to walk to find warmth is so much harder than it is to just sit there and wallow.
I've been finding solace in positive thinking because such a massive amount of change is happening this year. My dream of living by the ocean is a mere few months away, the course of my dreams (studying Occupational Therapy at Teeside University) is an ambition ready to be fulfilled and on top of all that I am with a man who makes me goofy happy.
Forgive me for being a little overwhelmed.
I've been stoking this little fire of foreboding, waiting for something to trip up my happiness. I won't be able to afford it, I'm going to hate the course, Mr Sunny (the boyfriend) and I are going to find long distance too difficult we'll split up. Before I know it I've got myself into a tangled web of negative thinking and things naturally start to go a little wry.
I am genuinely worrying about the finances of this venture, of being a 25 year old returning to study and trying to survive on very little whilst also somehow affording to travel back and forth to see my boyfriend who lives in Birmingham. How the hell am I going to do this?
Then I exhale and force myself to dismiss these thoughts.
Balance is about looking at both the bad and the good and standing somewhere in the middle. I realize these three years of study are going to be a challenge but who said it has to be bad? Challenge suits me, challenge makes me determined and ensures I value my moments of contentment.
I'm giving myself homework and I think you should study with me too. Set aside ten minutes in your day to meditate. Control you breathing setting a pattern until your mind is focused enough to reach the next level of your meditation. If you have wayward thoughts dismiss them as though they are bits of fluff you brush off your clothes. When you feel centered concentrate on your third eye for a few moments (the spot in between your eyebrows). Finally begin visualizing yourself happy, set yourself in scenes which bring you joy, how does it feel? What are your surroundings, what are the scents and textures of this visualization? Revise the lightness you feel and take it into you like your absorbing golden light.
Do this so you become accustomed with making yourself happy and being able to dismiss negativity. Suffering is an inevitable part of life but it is your choice whether you hold onto that and continue to neglect yourself.
I don't know how this year is going to pan out and the toll it'll have on my otherwise lovely relationship but I'll surf and I'll meditate and that is going to ensure I fight everyday to be happy and stay happy.

These pictures are in no particular order and make no particular sense but I like them. The dog is a border terrier, a dog my folks have agreed on letting me have, which means a family happy to have it around when I return from University. Oh my goodness.
Until next time,
Stay strong and surf well
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