Drinking tea gives me the same warm fuzzy feeling inside as listening to 'I wanna hold your hand,'by the Beatles or singing along to Stevie Wonder with my Dad. Talking about tea probably makes me sound more English than I need too, but what can I say the stuff makes me happy?!
The ritual of putting a cup of tea on, waiting those tantalizing two minutes for the water to boil then a further ten minutes of siting and simply enjoying my drink is, in my mind, pure unadulterated bliss. In England tea has been both the staple for the hard working classes, (miners in my county would take cold tea down the pits on account of actual water being too contaminated to drink) and a leisure opportunity for those of a wealthier disposition.
I adore, sitting with friends for so long we leave bum imprints in chairs, putting the world to rites over a cup of tea. When my family come home after a hard day, we put the kettle on and discuss the trials and tribulations with a renwed sense of vigour. When someone passes away tea is made and I swear the comforting warmth appeases the grief if only for a little bit.
I love nothing more than post surf peeling my wetsuit off (which is most definitely cold because I am a British surfer) and warming myself up with a cuppa. I feel accomplished and mighty post surf and that tea is my reward for braving the cold North sea.
My new boyfriend (I love saying that) who for now shall be nicknamed Mr Sunny, made me tea and we sat together in the spring morning sunshine laughing and talking.
Its these simple moments tea seems to instiage which leaves me feeling rosy and contented.
Ok enough about tea already, that's more than enough English eccentriticy for one evening!
So. Anyway.
I'm trying to include a few more 'selfies' on here because I've noticed that when perusing other blogs I really love sites where the author has a real presence. My absolute fav at the moment is Vix at Vintage Vixen, I love her style, her Blackcountry candour and the fact she has real presence. I can't emulate her amazing style but I can be a tad more personable here on 'Real Women have Curves and Surfboards' otherwise nicknamed 'La Sirena.'
So here's some bits and pieces.
First time I was able to go outside without a coat and it was AWESOME!!

Other stuff that's made me smile...

Surfing has no age limit!

Until next time,
Stay strong & Surf well
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