Sunday, 19 January 2014


I'd like to get away from earth awhile
And then come back to it and begin over.
May no fate willfully misunderstand me
And half grant what I wish and snatch me away
Not to return. Earth's the right place for love:
I don't know where it's likely to go better.
I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree,
And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk
Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,
But dipped its top and set me down again.
That would be good both going and coming back.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.
Birches by Robert Frost. 

When I blog the outside world fades into the
background and my inner dialogue comes into focus. Sometimes posts are a conscious
streams of thought, other times they are deep down perspectives which I didn't know I
possessed. I often ponder after posting, whether people dear to me recognize the person I
am, or if this inner voice is some preserved part of me I keep hidden from every day life.

Blogging is a wonderful contemplative record of your life that I fully recommend everyone 
try doing. The commitment it requires ensures you keep small windows of time purely for 
yourself to reflect and be mindful within. For me blogging has been a catalyst for bringing 
about positive change in my life and for teaching me both who I am presently and who I 
aspire to be. In the year and a bit I've been blogging what I thought were random 
nonsensical posts, about pretty much anything, were later decoded and helped put me 
on a path to fulfillment and success. If it wasn't for 'Real Women have curves and 
surfboards' I'd never have established the community club 'The Land Locked Surfers' or 
realized that becoming a support worker and studying towards Occupational Therapy would 
be my calling. 


My blog has been the quiet listener during the difficult, hard to bear periods of my life. 
It was my solace when I was an unemployed graduate desperately trying to figure out 'what 
to do with my life.' It also helped me painfully conclude that relationships weren't working 
and nursed me through those dark days of getting over a break up. There were moments 
when I felt my life wasn't interesting enough, or I'd have the continued conversation in my 
head of 'how can a land locked city girl possibly write a surf blog?' Blogging has connected me 
to people I'd never have the opportunity to befriend and this process continues to restore 
my faith in human beings. 


My dear friend Jemima recently said during one of our late night phone calls that surfing is 
the only pastime where she's able to be mindful. In her wonderful Northern sense of 
humor, she described how the concentration required to not have a wave crash on her head 
meant she's not thinking about problems, or daily issues but living fully in the moment. 
Much like surfing blogging has this great cathartic effect of keeping you honed and focused 
on your own inner voice. 


Just like the ocean, the online community is a diverse ecosystem, where individuality is 
welcomed. Throughout my blogging experience I have felt like a little fish swimming in the 
big blue, but just like the tiny plankton seems minuscule next to the big, blue whale we all 
have purpose and importance no matter how small we are. Through my blog I have had the 
pleasure of getting to know some truly wonderful people a symptom of blogging I'm 
eternally grateful for. 

As ever thank you for reading, it always means a lot. I hope you find your space. 

Until next time stay strong and surf well 

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