Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Hell Yeah!

Lonley surf at beautiful Wategoes from Rest Your Eyes on Vimeo.

Christmas can be a very reflective time and being the author of a blog it's very easy to use it as an excuse to get all wistful. Rather than dwelling on the past or focusing too much on the future I'm writing a 'Hell Yeah' list instead which is a list of all the positive things which have happened this year because I made them happen. 

Sod new years resolutions, Christmas gluttony or feeling bad about the mistakes you've made in 2013. I challenge you to write a 'Hell Yeah' list and if your brave enough to leave it as a comment on RWHCS.

Here are my 'Hell Yeahs!' 

 #1 I surfed...

When I started this blog in 2012 I surfed approximately three times which was about enough instances to get me obsessed. This year I surfed more than imagined for a girl currently living in land locked Birmingham. Not only that but I got other inner city people involved and now I am the proud co founder of The Land Locked Surfers Club. Not bad for a girl who has to travel three hours in any direction to get to ocean. 


#2 I grew a vagina...

Not literally of course because, well, I already have one. What I mean to say is that I learnt from my mistakes, endured some hardships but came out fighting. 'Grow a vagina' is the feminsit way of saying 'I grew a pair!' 

#3 I became a blogger...

I'm going to quote my gorgeous sister and fellow blogger Laura here by including an extract from her blog Lipstick and Lashes. Blogging is awesome because of the following:

1. The Freedom: 
One of my favourite things about blogging is the freedom to write exactly what you want. It's not often you are able to say exactly what is on your mind. For a makeup addict like me (thats Laura talking I obviously don't talk about make up, surf though now thats a different story)! It's usually no more than a few rambles about this or that product, i've convinced myself I need. However, some people can use this opportunity to talk about really critical topics which can really help readers going through the same thing.
2. The Space
'Space' it refers to the idea that a blog is a way to make a stamp on the world wide web. A small way to own a little and make it your own. It struck me as a really lovely idea and one I thought to share.


3. The Bloggers:
The main reason I began blogging in the first place is because of other bloggers. The blogging community is full of like-minded girls and boys that are interested in the same things.

4. Pride
This point probably sounds a little strange but allow me to explain. Blogging has given me a sense of pride over what I've achieved. A blog may not seem like much of an achievement to some, and perhaps they're right, but when I've finished a blog post there's no denying feeling a little proud.

#4 I loved, I liked and I lost. 

For those of you who have been here for the long haul, lets just say my love life has been a bit of a sitcom this year. There has been the protagonist, support cast members and the episode characters but my gosh hasn't it been dramatic! I do not regret a single moment of this 'series' I like to call my life and I feel like every encounter has been an opportunity to know myself and undersatand what I need in any future relationship. My heart is still wide open and although I might flinch I'm not afraid to fall in love again. Bring it on 2014! 

Thank you to all my readers throughout 2013, I cherish your quiet company and wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Stay strong and surf well 



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