I saw this dude yesterday and when I say 'dude' I mean Jack Johnson (naturally). For three hours you could practically feel the love in the room, despite being in a prestigious symphony hall people got up and danced, we laughed and sang along to our favorite songs like we were in a friend's lounge.
I've never been to a gig before and seen Marine Conservation Society and the Soil Association stands, in fact 100% of the tour profits are going to charity.
Jack Johnson is that awesome.
For me his songs go beyond just being music I like, it was listening to his album that stopped me from doing something very stupid. Its hard to talk about because its a period of my life I'd like to forget but I think its important to speak my truth so here it is. Jack Johnson saved my life, through listening to his music it made my mind focus on something other than feeling sad. Hearing the ocean in the background it inspired me to try surfing and the rest they say is history...
It was Bob Marley who originally said 'when music hits you feel no pain,' and the words have never been truer. Jack Johnson's music radiates happiness, he helps you live through your heart and above all to go surfing.
Last night in a mood of utter mellowness I started to get excited about the possibility of living by the ocean, of surfing, being with my wonderful friends and finding love. Finding the kind of love that means I can slow dance to Jack Johnson's songs for no other reason than because we can't help ourselves.
And in exactly 1 hours time I'll be going to Croyde Bay, Devon to go surfing with the Land Locked Surfers Club...
Until next time, stay strong and surf well...
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