Friday, 16 August 2013

Quit it.


The moon lying on the brain
                                                    as on the excited sea    as on
          The strength of fields. Lord, let me shake   
         With purpose.    Wild hope can always spring   
         From tended strength.    Everything is in that.
            That and nothing but kindness.    More kindness, dear Lord
Of the renewing green.    That is where it all has to start:
         With the simplest things. More kindness will do nothing less
             Than save every sleeping one
             And night-walking one

         Of us.
                   My life belongs to the world. I will do what I can.

The Strength of Fields by James L. Dickey 

I quit...

I quit dissatisfaction, altered concepts of myself, negative perceptions of others and dreams 
that render me motionless. Instead I surrender to disarray and embrace it with open arms. 

Occasionally the act of quitting can provide us with space and opportunity to understand 
some fundamental truths about ourselves and our lives. So I examine my reluctance and use 
it as fuel to propel my dreams forward. 

Quitting is taking control of your own destiny and opening up possibility. Knowing how to 
pick your battles is a lesson you'll repeat over and over, there is no shame constantly trying 
to understand this. 

Quitting is a brave elimination process which allows you to examine your core values and 
your real hopes for this world.  It was through quitting the lofty expectations of academia 
that I started this blog and established the Land Locked Surfers Club. Do you think I regret 

Not a chance. 

Your challenge is knowing when to grit your teeth and hold on with bleeding fingernails and when to cut your losses and bail. 

Isn't it beautiful being human? 

Stay strong, surf well. 

Love Sophia. 

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