During University I had spent three wonderful years playing in the English Lake District, a land of mountains and wilderness. So as you can imagine, returning to the urban sprawl which was Birmingham city was like hauling a fish onto dry land, I felt so out of depth, so alien in a place which used to be home.
For a long time all I thought about was escaping, I even managed it a few times retreating to Africa to 'find myself.' The funny thing is I always returned to Birmingham because home is not a place its a feeling, its a sense of being. I don't think it was until I met my ex that I truly started to fall in love with Birmingham, as an artist he had an insight to the city that I didn't, there were so many events and like minded people thriving there I just wasn't looking hard enough.

I work in Handsworth which is a borough of Birmingham and a pretty dangerous one at that. If you like your reggae you may have heard of an album called 'Handsworth Revolution' by the band Steel Pulse, which is all about the riots there back in the 80's. Nowadays its a melting pot of multiculturalism and I adore the place for it. Handsworth is where I worked with the wonderful refugee youth who taught me about the world, I had amazing Rwandan colleagues that were tireless in their efforts to help others and even now when I see them down the Soho Road we run at each other full pelt to embrace. Nowadays I work in a residential home which is so full of love and fun. The staff are English, Jamaican, Gambian, Asian, Malawian, Ugandan - all nationalities and its wonderful. I mean I think its a perfect example of people being united for a common cause and its reminding me that Birmingham is the setting where I've met these wonderful people.
When I found surfing there was a renewed sense of frustration for living in the most land locked city possible. Travelling miles in any direction in order to reach water certainly inhibits any progress in surf ability! This has been one of the qualms I've found hardest to overcome but I believe I have. If I didn't live in the city I wouldn't have started 'The Land Locked Surfers Club.'
I'm pinching myself as I write this but through the use of social media (the surf girl mag community page, on facebook to be precise) me and my intrepid surfer friend Jemima have managed to reach out and find surfers who are in exactly the same position. Tentative correspondence has led to an organised trip with eight people and counting, who are both friends, acquaintances and strangers. We'll be heading to Saltburn for a cheeky surf sesh and I have the feeling there'll be many more road trips in the future. I have such a gooood feeling about this venture, we're onto something, The Land Locked Surfers Club is I think the start of something wonderful...
Deep down I know I take my heart in my footstep and will eventually leave Birmingham. Since my break up I've weirdly thought a lot about children, probably because I'm thinking this might not be on the cards for me (maybe I should worry about getting a dog as opposed to children. I'm 24 what am I seriously worrying about)?! I hate to admit it because it exposes how soppy I am, but I dream of bringing kids up by the beach somewhere. I want them bare foot and sun kissed, happy with being outdoors, I want to give them the opportunity to surf and run unburdened. There'll be love too, gawd I'll love 'em! Above all I want my sons/daughters to have a strong mom, a woman they can really look up to whose followed her dreams and encourages that in her kids. They'll also know about Birmingham...
Birmingham I love you and I hate you but you'll always be a part of me!

Stay Strong, Surf Well
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