Dear surfer girls, soul sisters, earth mamas and all the fierce women of the world.
You are exquisite, you are sublime, you are the the salt and earth of this rock, third from the sun.
Take a lungful of air and feel proud, you matter, you are important and you have the right to every equality the man next to you has.
Be girly, be a tomboy, wear fake nails, surf, climb rocks, write poetry, fall in love, cook, forget to vacuum, be all that you aspire to be.
REAL WOMEN HAVE CURVES AND SURFBOARDS is not about needing to have an hour glass figure to be part of the club, all women whether boy shaped or curvaceous have curves. No. RWHCS is about Marge Calhoun she was the first women's world surf champion and she accomplished this not only later on in life, but as a wife and mother. You. Go. Girl.


Stay strong, Surf well Ladies
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