Where to begin? Life has been moving at a chaotic pace lately, so busy in fact that I haven't even had the time to do normal everyday stuff like moisturize my body! It sounds like a luxury to moisturize but what it really means is that I haven't had a minute to myself, to dedicate to the task of keeping my skin supple.
I want to lay it bare to you dear blog readers that in actuality I've been quite miserable of late. Its not surprising really, there is no space for happiness when life accelerates at such a fast pace. I've been pulling 14 hour shifts at work, not seeing my beloved boyfriend, no surf or skate (since last week), barely having time to do yoga and well meditation has gone right out of the window. It's all in aid of future plans I'm saving like a squirrel burying nuts for harsher times, but hey there needs to be a balance between sensibleness and fun.
I'm no stranger to being a nomad but I'm finding my drifting between my base at my parent's house and that of my boyfriend's is making me a bit like flotsam and jetsam. Floating between these two places means armfuls of luggage which I drag on and off trains and a general sense of displacement. At the ripe age of twenty six I'm starting to yearn for roots- Isn't that funny? Not so long ago the thought of a homestead would have caused me to run for the horizon but now I crave it. Living with my parents (despite them being the best parents on the planet FACT) is a bit like waiting in a doctors office, you know you can't leave but that call to be seen feels like forever, so you have to remain there suspended between arriving and leaving.
I've neglected this here blog too, as my regular readers may have noticed posts have been a bit sparse recently. In truth I have been completely exhausted, too exhausted to muster up the energy to create engaging content. So forgive me, here is a post about being a hapless twenty something and a few nice, sparkly surf pictures that have caught my magpie eye! Not groundbreaking but its the truth!
You know as much as these moments of frustration drain us they also act as catalysts because they force you to reevaluate and make changes. I'm excited and optimistic about what I'll learn through this little rough patch. Now for drawing, music and a little meditation to get my happy Sophia hat back on!
Until next time,
Stay strong, surf well