Thursday, 28 August 2014

Surf Scotland.

If I had a time machine I'd travel back to visit 14 year old me to tell her to keep her chin up. I'd say that when she turned 25 not only would she be a surfer but she'd also be friends with the kinds of people she so desperately wants to know. 

The Land Locked Surfers Club took a trip up to Pease Bay, Scotland last weekend deciding to rough it by wild camping wherever we laid our boards. I surfed the best I ever did managing to catch green waves and get some turning in despite only having an 8ft foamie avaliable. This however is a minor detail, what was most spectacular about the trip was all the amazing people who attended and the atmosphere they created. For three days we lived like hippies in our self made surf commune somewhere out in a Scottish woodland. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that the accommodation was comfortable, or that we were toasty all of the time but rather the banter, epic surf, moments of sunshine and campfire jamming sessions made forest floor sleeping and tent life RAD!  

The ever talented Jemima Stubbs (who also happens to be my best friend...I am the luckiest girl in the world), took photos of our stay, whilst my phone managed to die on the first day meaning I actually have very few pictures of the trip. For a blogger not being able to take photos was both frustrating and a blessing in disguise.  It forced me to live in the present and not to spend time thinking about potential blog posts. 

I feel immensely lucky to be a surfer and have the opportunity to go catch waves with people who make my world go round. The LLSC renews my sense of awe and childhood feelings of exploration, it also makes city living bearable when I know I have countless adventures on the horizon. 

To the next Land Locked Surfer Trip! 

I adore this photo as you can see how utterly in love I am with Mr Sunny!

Meet George one of our very talented musicians. He also happened to be an absolute natural surfer taking to it like he'd been in the water for years! 

 The beauty of wild camping is that you can stumble upon scenes as beautiful as this. 

The lovely Rich otherwise known as the body boarder! 

Here are some of the LLSC in all their glory! We're missing a few key members but you get an idea of the kind of fun we have. This photo is supposed to be 'bear coming towards you' poses...

 I've managed to rope best friends into coming onto these trips, this is the lovely Rosie who manages to make camping look far too good, I on the other hand look like I've had no sleep! 

 Meet Pippin our surf dog, she came along on the trip and loved it! She even jumped on a board and had a go...annoyingly she was actually pretty dam good! 

Surfing is very serious business as demonstrated by Andy and Phil! 

All photos courtesy of the ever cool Jemima Stubbs click on her name for the link to her business page! 

Until next time, 
Stay strong and surf well


  1. Sounds and looks amazing - total switch off from modern day life! Cool that you caught some green waves too :)

  2. Beautiful photos! Looks like you had an amazing trip! :)

  3. Thanks ladies! You both should most definitely come to the next trip :D x
