Truth be told I'm scared. Despite wandering off at the tender age of 17 to Croatia all by myself and subsequently traveling solo to Senegal, Gambia and Ethiopia, I'm nervous about my impending trip to Cape Town, South Africa.
I love Africa irrevocably, its why I continue to keep going back there. Something happens when I get off the plane it's like I've returned home to a place which both wants me to stay and wants me to leave. Everything about Africa is a challenge and a risk but its one I'll continue to experience over and over.
This trip is blog related, I'm going to work with Save Africa on a surf project which assists township children with education and offers surf programs. The prospect of going to iconic South Africa to surf waves which are legendary should be filling me with excitement.
I am, of course excited, but not to the level I usually am pre surf trip.
I'm thinking about sharks, I'm thinking about missing home but mostly I'm thinking about how I'm going to hate being away from Mr Sunny. I talk a lot about being an independent woman, about striving to carve my own niche in this big wide world, but I want to clarify that as a feminist I can also adore and miss a man. I can want to be with him and not beat myself up for feeling vulnerable when I admit that I'm going to miss him like crazy.
I've been away from home for longer periods and regular readers will be aware that I've also done long distance with an ex I used to write about *awkward*
Mr Sunny has inadvertently become my best friend as well as being my boyfriend, at the moment we're living out of each others pockets and so its this closeness I'm going to mourn.
Isn't it funny how certain people get under your skin, whether it be friends, love interests or family?
Mr Sunny and I pratting about on a penny board. |
When I'm feeling anxious I do what I always do, I write to you guys and I hit the mat for some yoga time. Lately I've been loving Ali Kamenova's Interval Yoga classes which can be found on youtube. She conducts very athletic yoga postures which still contains an aspect of spirituality and friendliness. One of the hightlights is her giant pit bull esq dog which saunters in and out of shots *love it*
I think more than ever I need to do this trip precisely because it feels out of my comfort zone. Its ok to not feel brave all the time, actually its quite good to be scared because the strength it takes to overcome those irrational fears are what will carry you through life.
To Cape Town!
Until next time
Stay Strong, Surf Well