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Photo of me (Sophia) taken by Sarah Kelly of Blue Print Photography. |
The Buddhist approach to life is finding positives in what appear to be negatives, living compassionately and meditating to work towards gaining enlightenment. So it is with this tenuous link that this wannabe Buddhist analyses the seven deadly sins...
I'm not entirely sure what my point is here, or why I feel the need, on this surf inspired blog, to do a post relating to Christian concepts, but well, I guess I'm striving to highlight that non of us are perfect and its in our flaws that the greatest amount of growth and learning can be derived.
So here goes nothing...
I can't say there has ever been a time when I've lost my rag and the outcome has been good. Getting angry is you losing control having being wronged, offended or denied. That being said anger can be utilized, whether that's to set boundaries or escape dangerous situations. In my opinion it should be used as a strategy because it is in aftermath of wrath that I've found my determination. Anger is a fuel, you can either use it to light up a dark room or let it burn down the house! In anger I have said things I didn't mean, let my tongue do laps around my mouth and regretted hurting people I care about. Then comes the second lesson of anger, forgiveness. Forgiveness is the most powerful tool you possess either for your enemies or for yourself, it is a beautiful humbling phenomenon of life which we all should master.
If you must be greedy then be greedy for compassion. Develop a voracious appetite for helping others because in the process you'll discover something about yourself. I often find a certain level of greediness comes into my surfing, I want good conditions, uncrowded beaches and to slide on wave after wave. Its impossible for this to happen all of the time so I stay hungry and its that insatiability which makes me a better surfer. By keeping me honed and interested I continue to improve. Greed needn't be a bad thing.
In a life where I'm up at 5am, can check my emails, blog, facebook, instagram, and whattsapp at 5.15, do some fitness, then work a 14 hour shift it's easy to get embroiled in a pace of life that is both physically and mentally exhausting. I fully endorse sloth days, days where you do nothing at all. In those glorious empty moments I meditate, do yoga and if I really can be arsed maybe catch up with a friend. I believe more than ever its important to disconnect and try to unwind enough for both our bodies and minds to rejuvenate. Get some actual face time with people who radiate you and let the things that drain you leave you be just for a day.
Failing that, look at pictures of sloths. See, you feel better already.
Whilst believing that your better than others is never a positive endeavor having pride in yourself is. Be proud of your accomplishments and what you aspire to be because it is by possessing this trait that you'll continue to strive to be better. When you have pride in your work you'll be more efficient, go that extra mile and continue to evolve as a person. It'll also make you cherish what you've amassed, i.e. the people you've dared to love because its taken hard work to achieve those things. Just make sure what your proud of are things which make a positive impact, are compassionate and which have been acquired through honest routes.
This I have absolutely no problem with, as Iggy Pop once famously quipped we all need 'Lust for life!' You've got to have passion if you want to achieve anything in this world, I lust after surfing because I believe it makes me a better, more well rounded person. I lust after a career which helps others and it is precisely this cardinal sin which pushes me to work harder to achieve these passions. Lust is dangerous when unbridled and without consequence, which is a selfishness we must all fight against but when harnessed, I believe its one of your greatest arsenals. In a sexual context, lust can be a pretty good thing to possess too! If you have lust for someone worthy of your affections, who respects you, treats you with kindness and compassion then I say go enjoy yourselves!
I think we should have a gluttony for organic, naturally farmed food which works in harmony with our environment. We should desire in excess food which elevates our farmers, benefits nature and doesn't cause people in third world countries to starve. I believe we should be gluttonous for our governments to prioritize ecological incentives and green energy that embraces the fact that our world is in dire straits and that its our moral obligation to right those wrongs. As a surfer I am gluttonous for fish stocks, I want the world to stop treating marine life like an infinite source of food and realize they are finite just like everything else in this world. This should be our gluttony.
Right that's more than enough rambling for one day, hope you liked today's musings.
By the way the beautiful paintings are non other than Wilma Johnson a.k.a. Surf Mama, buy her book and check her out she's AWESOME!
Until next time,
Stay strong and surf well my beautiful yogis!
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