Is Burlesque feminist friendly? More importantly, how does Burlesque correlate to a blog about women's surfing?!
Dear readers, I do have a point and I promise this post will make sense (or at least I'll have a good stab at it)...
Last night I went to my local theater and watched a Burlesque cabaret show with my mom. It was AWESOME and surprisingly it was also really funny. Among the strip teases there were moments of real hilarity where the women on stage poked fun at their art, doing slap stick routines and clowning around. I was literally crying with laughter because although they were glamorous, each lady on stage had a real persona in which their personalities were able to shine through.
As an ex dancer I've always been intrigued by Burlesque as an art form rather than a cheeky way to see some flesh. The elaborate costumes and the theatrics which go into a performance makes me appreciate it as a form of expression rather than something sleazy.
What was really wonderful was that the women performing were literally all shapes and sizes. There were different complexions, heights and dare I say it...they had cellulite. Do you know what though THEY WERE ALL BEAUTIFUL. There were tall athletic blondes, petite brunettes, curves in all the right places red heads and even a bloke!
It was a celebration of the female form and boy did the audience appreciate the party! What was funny was that the crowd consisted mostly of women and husbands there under duress. I love that women are able to support one another like this, we weren't there to scrutinize we were there to enjoy confident women who could remind us that it doesn't matter what your body type is, confidence is what really is attractive.
[...And now for the tenuous link to surfing]
Surfing is possibly one of the only sports which women picked up simultaneously to men. Women in Hawaii could be seen charging the waves just as much as their male counterparts and do you know what...they did it naked.
One of the reasons I love surfing is because women of all shapes and sizes do it, there is a real sisterhood when you get out in the ocean. Surfing makes you attractive not because your getting sun kissed and beautiful ocean curls (especially not if your surfing the North Sea) but because it makes you trust your own body and marvel at its capabilities (err standing up on a board...hello impressiveness)!
Sexiness is doing things your own way, not worrying about who your trying to impress but relishing how it makes YOU feel.
And now for a visual mash up of Burlesque and surfing!

Until next time stay strong, surf well!