I heard of the F!%k it list via a friend of mine and instantly fell in love with idea. Unlike the 'bucket list' which can lead towards being a little too inspirational (therefore more likely to be un-achievable), the F!%k it list is about setting yourself small goals which your actually going to be able to pursue.
For someone like me who has more ideas than hot meals this is the perfect antidote to fatigue. Whilst I'm fighting the blues this is exactly the kind of soft focus I need, enough direction so I feel like I'm moving forward, but not so much that I become overwhelmed and don't do anything!
My F%*k it list looks a little like this:
1. Be creative through art and writing but most importantly do it for fun, don't worry about making a career off of it, do it for pleasure.
2. Own guinea pigs and if possible call them 'Bodhi and Utah' (Point Break ref there)! Keep them indoors so cuddles are on tap.
3. Learn to drive. Think surf bus Soph.
4. Surf in South America and Asia - I have the opportunity to go to Peru with a friend whose a national, why am I not chomping at the bit to do this?!
5. Be stable enough for a dog and responsible enough for my own place.
6. Get a tattoo - a seahorse on my ankle to begin with.
7. Grow flowers and vegetables in every space available think rain forest indoors.
8. Meditate and do yoga - because it controls your crazy.
This is for 2013 and I hope I can start ticking off some of those ideas, all of them are achievable so its up to me to make them happen!
What would be on your F!%k it lists? Let's start a dialogue, tell my what yours are dear readers...
- In other news -
I've been trying the highly recommended WaveShape 30 day challenge, which is an awesome work out routine for getting you surf ready. There's nothing like having the UK's #1 surfer girl as inspiration. Its free and the WaveShape gang even provide a a workout list on spotify which is awesome!
For the workout click here and for the spotify list click here
Water women are nomadic, passionate and healthy beings, here's a homily to them here!

Stay strong, surf well!
Love Sophia
Re: #3 About the only time I feel my age is when I nag you kids to "get y' driving licence as soon as you can2 (even though I don't actually drive much) . Keep up the blogging and cool piccies