Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The Pirate's life for me.


Ok, so technically speaking, living on a Narrowboat in the middle of England isn't quite the same as pillaging the seven seas. 

- However -

As a land locked surfer the thought of living upon any kind of water, sends a little shiver of excitement down my spine. The romance of it all seems deliciously fun and the prospect of independence makes me almost insatiable for my own boat. 

I crave independence from the family nest (although I dearly love their company) and working in a job which pays pittances, living afloat seems a viable finacial option for me as an individual. 

Saturday I'm due to go see a boat, its more money than I have so I'm having to explore loans etc, which in itself is terrifying. I believe in micro-finance however, that the responsibility of having to pay back your dues enables you to learn how to budget effectively and provides the pressure you need to ensure that you actually do so. I'm weird in that I like budgeting and saving and I probably need more practice at it!

I'm not sure how the reality will pan out of being a liveaboard, or for that matter how my 6ft boyfriend will feel about coming to stay with me on a boat. My answer to that is 'Ahoy Me Hearties!' 

As an adult I firmly believe you have to strive out into the unknown, you need to be brave and take chances because otherwise you'll never discover what your really made of. At this point I feel ready for a new challenge and whilst my life is irrevocably entwined in the city I'd like to adapt to being an urbanite in a way which embraces my yearning to be rural and sustainable. 

I guess like all my ideas. Watch this space. 

Stay strong, surf well

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