To me inspiration is like a fizzing in my fingertips, I practically effervesce until I find the medium in which to express myself. Finally after a drought of creativity I woke up feeling completely rejuvenated so much so I had to be dragged away from my artwork. I've eagerly begun my project:
'Rottweilers dream of love'
and have started making preliminary drawings in my sketch book. I've seen this massive canvas in my local art shop and every time I go past it I get a pang wishing I was inspired enough to create a piece of art work so large. You know what, I think I just might. I just might buy it. I need a challenge and if I can highlight the plight of dog breeds who often end up unloved in rescue centers then even better!
Here's a sneak peak at the direction I'm taking, you'll notice there's a distinct surf theme there too!
So anyway.
There is never bad weather just bad clothing.
- Anon.
There's a reason us Brits talk about the weather all the time. Its not because we're trying to make polite conversation its because we are genuinely baffled by our weather system. Last March we were wearing shorts because it was the hottest March on record, this year we're moaning because we're knee deep in snow and its set to get colder. We're always unprepared because for some reason we never see it coming!
Now I've always been a glass half full kind of person which is precisely why snow is an excuse for me to get wrapped up and go play outdoors. So I roped in a best friend, grabbed the family dog Jack and promptly made our way to the nearest beauty spot to appreciate how awesome snow is. Voila!

This guy was an absolute legend, he spoke to us for ages and joked that he looked like a character out of Harry Potter. His dog Flossie was also gorgeous a Springer spaniel x Labrador cross who managed to win Jack over!
Stay Strong, Surf well
Love Sophia
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