I LOVE the snow, I love the way it falls, the way it settles on seemingly ordinary things, to make them look beautiful and above all I love playing in it. What I don't love is having booked train tickets to take me half way across Britain having to nervously wait for travel forecasts telling me my travel fate.
I'm winter surfing this Saturday, the first time I ever have and I'm all nervous and excited like a father waiting to meet his newborn.
I really, really want to go surfing. I don't care if I turn blue from cold, if I can catch a wave then it'll be worth it
(I also won't lose a silly amount of money on train fare).
Please let me be able to go surfing (and come home again safely)!
So anyway, my surfer friend introduced me to the photographer Chris Burkard who simply takes the most breath taking surf shots.
He's keeping me stoked for winter surfing with images like these...

Endless Winter.
I came across the 'Endless Winter' series a while back and stored it away in my mind. Its a really great little documentary all about the pioneers in British surfing and knowing I'm soon to be going to the East Coast (hopefully) episode 5 'Britain's coldest waters' really summarized what its going to be like. The old time guys are seriously hardcore, lets hope I absorb some of their courage!
Catch you later water babies and land lovers
Yes! All the best for your cold-weather surfing plans. Tried it back home, I was more a plaything of the waves than a surfer (guess you know what I mean) but I loved it. Make sure you take a thermos of warm tea for afterwards...