Wednesday, 27 June 2012

I Love everyday dialogues, the seemingly mundane exchanges between acquaintances that can lead on to all manner of intrigues. 
Today I learned that my benefit officer Cheryl, is six years into an Open University degree in English literature and plans to do a masters. I always expected she'd be a sparkler (a person who has something about them but under the surface), largely based on the fact she wears really lovely clothes and rocks a pixie cut which is ace especially as she is an older woman! 
I'm almost sad that I'll be starting all my new jobs and not getting to see her every two weeks (but infinitely glad to be off benefits)!

I also love how animals completely humble you. 
Take for instance the scenario of a hipster walking a dog. 
No matter how snazzily dressed or cool one might look the moment that dog squats its game over...
No one can look cool with a dog bag 
(and even less cool if you don't pick it up...Tsk!) 

Anyway enough of me talking sh!t.


So I have finished my second ever zine entitled 

'Orange Lips and Houmous Breath'  
A little ole Zine about me and my man fellow. 
To be honest its been finished for quite some time I've just stalled about putting up on the blog. Despite the face I regularly disclose far too much information about myself here, I suddenly feel shy about discussing my relationship, it feels too sacred. I also don't like how the beauty of the watercolors and the hand written words don't translate so well after scanning. 
For that matter I've just included a few pages. 
If you would like a copy of the zine I may consider emailing out for special requests.   

Woman I Want To Go Surfing 
9 days to go until surfing!!! The annual Woman Zone Surf camp held in The Gower Wales is happening 6th-8th July.
The slight, tiny, insignificant detail of needing to be a lesbian to attend has been largely ignored and I'm getting my hetero ass down there anyway!

How's this for awesome I'm actually going to be able to write about surfing on my surfing blog. Weird. 

 Peace + Love + Surfboards 


P.s. My mom nearly broke her neck today putting bins out at work, she's ok but has reminded me to make sure you live voraciously as you never know when your card might be dealt.

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