Monday, 11 June 2012

The Fine Art Of Juggling

There was a recent article in a British women's magazine that elaborated on the increasing number of women picking their career over their relationships. The general gist was that women should prioritise ambition over personal relationships on the basis that careers don't have the potential to cheat, lie or hurt you.

Say what?!

Why is it either/or for women. Anybody who prioritises career over relationships or vice versa is, in my opinion, living a half life. Women let's start championing the notion that;
 We CAN have the best of both worlds.

 Remember when you were four and you just had to be a vet, then you got to high school and realised you couldn't hack it, that and the sight of blood made you faint. You see the thing is dreams change just as much as people do, what you think you want to do is often quite different to the reality. So by all means aim for something but don't fall in love with the illusion. Look around you, relish every step of the journey towards the career you think you want and above all don't pass on someone, simply because they've popped up at the wrong time in your life plan.

Sometimes a little spontaneity is in order.

The Fine Art Of Juggling.

Having had a month of inertia (a poetic way of saying, unemployed) I've suddenly had a glut of activity all demanding my attention at once. I've managed to get the internship of my dreams working for Responding to Conflict, an NGO that helps peace building in some of the world's most war torn developing countries. On top of that I'm attending a business course to help me understand the nitty gritty of the t-shirt business (the t-shirt designs I'll be selling HERE) and I'm also in the process of establishing 'On Yer Bike' a cycling for change event that raises awareness of international development issues. Then there's family, friends and my dear loved one who mustn't be neglected.


Life doesn't work in straight lines so I'm going to enjoy the curves(!) Here's hoping you do too.



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