I don't know much about the director/composer Baz Luhrman but I do know that when I listen to his 'Everybody wear Sunscreen' song all I feel is empowerment.I've been despondent of late, Ethiopia is so much more than famine and poverty but when children as young as four beg you for food its hard not to be affected. Its why I needed to hear Baz's sound advice, the song reminded me that small events throughtout a lifetime can weight the same as those big moments. So although I've only facilitated an HIV/AIDS awareness club here to just thirty youths, this might cause a ripple effect to happen...
Knowledge is power and with such stigma attached to HIV/AIDS understanding is an important weapon in the fight to reduce cases.
We had a really inspiring day at Gulele Youth Association working with 10 Woreda (community groups) to inform of the issues and inspire change. The youths reinforced the notion in me that there are great people everywhere with real potential to change the world for the better. Below are some photos of the activities:
Birsh our program supervisor devising an awareness game
The Youth playing my introduced ribbon game, the object being to steal the ribbon which everyone tucks in their back pocket...the idea is to represent how easily HIV/AIDS is transmitted!
Me, Dave and Workayehu with some of the youths who attended the training day
Another group shot!
A wise Slovenian once said to me you can find good people everywhere and its a tidbit of advice that I've taken to heart. Its true, Ethiopia is another example of an African country being abundant with good people. There are many stereotypes about this region of the world, much of which clouds Western judgement. Often there is fear and suspicion, in some contexts this is more than justified but as I've said Africa is so much more than war and poverty. There is music, compassion, generosity and above all resiliency. From watching Attenborough documentaries at a tender age I've developed a deep love for the continent, I'm irrevocably entwined with the place and sincerely hope to spend more time here. Below are some pictures of those said good people!
Beautiful Ruta my little sister
L-R Yaseira, Ruta, Me and Hennon
Some of the kids L-R Hennon, Ruta, Meto, Hermella and Yaseira
Yesterdays football match, our team (HIDA) are in orange and unfortunately lost to the Addis Ababa ambulance team in red!
A friend of mine recently cheered me up by quoting the Dalai Lama:
Small things do make a difference try going to bed with a mosquito!
So with this nugget of wisdom I'm going to live my life safe in the knowledge that it doesn't matter how big or small the impact as long as I'm living compassionately and trying to be better then that is all the success I need!
Peace & Love
P.s. I love you Antonio x
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