Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Working nine to five!

Welcome to the office! So this is where the fun starts...
We're officially at our placements now where we will be for the next two and a half months working on developmental projects, here in Ethiopia. I'm in the Gulele district working on an HIV and AIDS awareness project. Its the job of Dave, Workayehu and myself to devise a youth program that raises awareness as there is still much stigma and misunderstanding attached to the subject. 

Youth aren't the future they are the now

So what does being a project coordinator entail exactly? 

Good question. 

So here's the scoop - We're working towards two objectives, first to synthesize a youth club consisting of 50 young people who will be given training in HIV and AIDS awareness and our second aim is to create a band! Art is a fantastic medium for communicating important messages the Dalai Lama once said:

...when I speak I may influence a few hundred maybe even a thousand people, but a musician, writer or artist has the scope to influence millions... 

Dave came up with the brain child of calling the band 'One Love' which aside from being a nod towards Bob Marley also happens to be quite clever along the safe sex theme!! We aspire to create two holistic and sustainable programs that promote self development and eventually are community led. Youth have much to contend with but they are also great vectors for spreading a positive message and helping to de-stigmatize HIV and AIDS. 

Working for NGOs is always a challenge, coupled with only one computer, no internet and a sack ceiling for an office it makes the work infinitely more interesting! I am however stoked with everything that has happened and immensely proud of Dave, Workayehu and myself for the hours we've been putting in. I'm ever optimistic we'll be able to facilitate some real positive changes here :D 

So in other news, I'm absolutely loving the down time, Addis has a real pulse and amazing Italian style bakeries that makes time off a real pleasure. Here's some pictures of what I've been up to... 

Playing with Nai the kitten at Alex's house 

My Bezzie Alex and Nai 

The view of the Piasa district of Addis from a rooftop cafe 

Naomi, Alef, Hiwote and Dave 

 Minilik round about in Piasa 

 Me and Katherine *and Roz, Emma, Yidnek and Izzy spoiling it! 


So all in all life is treating me well, I'm managing to practice Yoga everyday and meditate which is really helping keep me focused and not dwelling so much on how much I miss Mr Roberts, my family and friends...oh and salad and soya milk! 

Peace, good karma and all that shalom




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