Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Land Locked Surfer Club II

Breathing with a snorkel
The surfer leers over the smoldering sea
Takes up the seaweed soiled waxed manuscript

And paddles out of the basement
Walks down to the beach and what remains
Of the water and casts out the paper fish net

Into a set of scaling waves
Lit with a lustrous industrial moon
The waves curling letters in blue neon.

From "Watermarks from a Night Spring" by Joe Linker


 Above photos courtesy of Jemima Stubbs (https://www.facebook.com/JemimaStubbsPhotography)

This is me.

Above photos courtesy of Thomas Cleeton.


 Above photos courtesy of Evie Gruchala. 

For three glorious days we lived the dream. A band of city folk abandoned the conditions of their lives to go explore the Welsh coast, carrying all they would need in rucksacks and carrier bags. Together they created a camp, a mini Utopia, where the children ran care free and sat round camp fires laughing until late. As the sun climbed slowly to become a tenant of the sky, they surfed until bone weary, hair and skin slick with sea salt. At night they climbed into tents to sleep the deep, contented sleep of happy people, cold sand in sleeping bags reminders of earlier joys. 

Then they surfed some more, ate some more, they laughed until sides became sore. In the sunset they reflected upon the natural beauty, the wonderment of the children so infatuated with the ocean that they had to be dragged out goose pimpled and hungry. Romances blossomed, friendships strengthened in vigor and acquaintances became confidants. In transit homeward bound they hugged like siblings dragging, their feet at the prospect of reality. 

We are the Land Locked Surfers and this is our story. 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Thrift Radiates Happiness.

I've probably used the 'thrift radiates happiness' phrase before but I am such a fan of the meaning that I'd thought I'd recycle it!

Today I set myself the challenge of spending £20 on clothes- no more, no less. Naturally if I had taken this homily sum to the high street I'd probably have been able to afford one top, unless I went to the not so ethical bargain stores that is, (I'll be honest I have succumbed to a bargain when the finances have been stretched, but I can't justify cheap clothes at the cost of another persons suffering. Its just not right). 

Instead I jumped on my bicycle and pedaled to my nearest town to scour the local charity shops (that would be thrift shops to my American readers). I love nothing more than going into a charity shop and having to rummage like I'm looking for buried treasure. I have very eclectic taste in clothing and have been known to wear anything from sequined biker jackets to floor length paisley dresses, so the jumble of clothes in a charity shop is like an Aladdin's cave to me. If I had to label myself I'd say I'm a hippie mixed with vintage sweetheart - the odd surfer girl style piece thrown in here or there! 

Today's bounty amounted to: 

2 designer paisley shirts
1 African style top
1 pair of never worn silk hippie trousers (still had the tag)!
1 knitted dress 

Not bad for £20! A while ago I was supposed to post about an upcycled lamp I made for a friend of mine, so as today's theme is very much about recycling here's a step by step guide to create your own handmade masterpiece. 

This Lamp does not contain a Genie. 

You will need:

An old lamp with fabric lamp shade (I got mine for £3)
Scrap material
A glue gun
Buttons, felt, ribbon and anything else you want to stick on.
Tracing paper (any old paper will do)
Tape measure

To make:

1. Start by measuring the sectioned panels on the lamp shade so you know how big you need to cut the fabric.

2. Once you know roughly how big your squares of material are going to need to be, draw this onto paper, pin down to material and start cutting!


3. Using a glue gun very carefully apply glue to the lamp shade and quickly add the squares of material (glue guns dry really quickly so its ill advised to put on loads of glue, your going to need to do it piece by piece).

4. Now comes the fun bit, once your lamp is completely covered with material then you can start gluing on felt pieces, or buttons. Use your imagination and go wild!

Voila your very own upcycled lamp! Happy crafting (perhaps in a flat spell...)

Stay strong, Surf well 



Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The Dream Catcher.

I am a human dream catcher. Sometimes my ideas cluster like a thousand voices all talking at once or at night, when I'm trying to sleep, my dreams are the low rumble before an impending earthquake. 

The trouble with having so many ideas is that its difficult to pin one down. Sometimes you manage to achieve something and having realized it, its parable to seeing a butterfly pinned on a cork board. It is beautiful to look at but better when it was free and flying. 

Taking things day by day is, in my experience, the best way of revealing what it is you actually want. It is easy to become distracted by the big picture, about the lives we think we want to lead instead of looking around us at the things we already have. 

Every fiber of my body wanted to get a job relating to my degree, to be a conservationist protecting wildlife. And yet every single thing I've done in the last three years since graduating has been people centered. Without even realizing I was tailoring my skills and experiences to be of better service to people in need. I've worked with refugees, as a humanitarian in Ethiopia, as an intern at Responding to Conflict and now as a support worker. If I look at my present situation it appears that my forte is people.

Some time ago I discussed an idea on my blog. Having been so positively effected by surfing within the confines of my own life I wondered about its potential to help others in need. Then I discovered the work of Maui and his charity Street Waves in Miami, how he helps inner city kids be distracted from the difficulties of their lives by going surfing. In Handsworth where I work you can feel tension and everyday there is more news of young people living in ways they shouldn't ever have to. For a long time I've wanted to help youth like this, refugees, all genres of person through surf therapy and finally I think I'm ready to do this. 
Now that I'm getting counselling I also want to help people who are suffering with depression or other mental related illnesses. 

A seemingly normal conversation with my man Antonio gave me the eureka moment I needed to help me get this project off the ground. The problem always was, how am I going to fund taking lots of inner city youth to the coast by myself? The answer is I can't fund it by myself, I need a community around me. Antonio has a projector and mentioned that we should watch movies on the wall of his bedroom one night. A-ha! A community cinema of course! 

I can show surf/skate films and any profits can be pooled into the 'Surf & The City' project (the name of my organization). Once we are actually up and running its easier to get grants and funds that way as we've got evidence that we're fully functioning. 

I was inspired by people around me and in order to realize this dream I need people. If you are interested in becoming a part of this project please let me know, I need people on side who know things about obtaining grants, youth work, about showing films and licensing. Above all I need passionate people who care about getting through to those who need help the most. 

So...any takers?? 

Please get in touch with my via sophia.cant.surf@gmail.com or through my facebook group 'The Land Locked Surfers,' 

Until next time 

Stay strong, surf well 

Thursday, 18 July 2013



Sirena means mermaid in Spanish.  
Women in the water often have many different connotations, to sailors gone by we were bad luck, or mythical creatures who lured ships to their peril. Later we were deemed too frail and indecent to be allowed to swim or when we did impressions were that of disdain or disbelief. 

Talk to any modern female surfer and the feeling is of evolution and positive change, girls are coming through the ranks ripping harder, faster and doing more dynamic manoeuvres.  

Women are defining themselves not as better or worse but different. 

And yet there is still a blurred line in existence between female surfers and modelling. It appears a chicken and egg phenomenon when examining the competitive surf industry - what came first the surfing or the modelling? Without the big sponsors surfers full stop would find it difficult to afford to get to contests and have the relevant equipment, which is ironic when you think the ocean is free. 

In the aftermath of the 2012 Olympics in London many of the female athletes, despite winning medals are struggling to find sponsors. Helen Glover, who won Britain's first gold medal of the London Games with Heather Stanning in the women's rowing pairs, despite her high profile - Glover went on to win BBC TV's Superstars - the 26-year-old has failed to attract a personal sponsor, as have all her medal-winning colleagues. 

In the plight of Brit Andy Murray winning Wimbledon British newspapers called his success 'First win since 1936' completely forgetting Virginia Wade who won the Women's Singles Championships at Wimbledon on 1 July 1977 and was the last British tennis player to have won a Grand Slam singles tournament until Andy Murray won the US Open in 2012. 

When I read this it makes me incredulous. Especially in the context of surfing where my impression is that if you wear clothes well you have more opportunities available to you. 

In the upcoming weeks sports brand activinstinct are writing a post for me about their perspectives on the recent Roxy Pro video. Without giving too much away its caused major controversy for appearing more like a soft porn film than for representing female surfers actually, well, surfing. 

In my meanderings I've recently come across these two videos which I feel show the energy of female surfers. The first is 'Water Warriors' by the bikini brand Calvera. Yes the girls are attractive in this video but that is not the point, they are fierce and it concentrates solely on their abilities- Ride on sisters! 

The second video is from the blog The Sea Life and the video is called 'Jack and his girl.' Although the video isn't exclusively about Roya the female surfer featured, she steals the show for just surfing pretty dam well. I like how the video perfectly illustrates the linearities and differences between male and female surfers and how perfect they are in their differences. A stunningly, well made video! 


Monday, 15 July 2013


Listening to: Brighton Port Authority - Toe Jam 

Dear blog reader, 

I could discuss with you my tardiness or the fact there's been so much sunshine here, but instead I want to talk about my sister. 
Emily is a school teacher and whilst reminiscing about her class, mentioned how she often thought the little ones seemed so dreamy and dazed. Emily observed that youth and growing up is an awakening, as the years pass your eyes become wide open to the realities of the world. I thought it was a very eloquently put reflection on life. It is indeed an awakening and the more you learn the more your able to see. 

Saturday I went and saw a narrow boat that feels like mine. I sat with the 69 year old female boat owner and discussed life over crusty bread and salad. We went for a cruise along the beautiful Fazeley canal, her dachshund and whippet in tow and I marveled upon what a wonderful lifestyle she appeared to have. 

Now its crunch time, my heart has fallen for Annie C the 38ft narrow boat and so its to the drawing board to see if my finances can commit to the financial burden of a loan and running a narrow boat as a full time abode. I suddenly feel very grown up and scared by the potential for being in control.

I know I can do it. Not without sacrifice of course but I feel every fiber within me quivering at the possibility of a slice of independence suited to me. 

I loved the advice of a friend over this conundrum. 

Will it matter in 6 weeks?

Will it matter in 6 months? 

Will it matter in 6 years?

I'm poised ready to make a decision, to actually commit to a choice, I am both terrified and exhilarated. 

Here's some pictures that have made me feel alive this week. 

Drayton Manor Theme Park. 



Annie C The narrow boat/My potential new home.... 


*In other news The Land Locked Surfers are famous!! 
Check out our write up on Sea Kin: 

Sea Kin - Saltburn 

Until next time surfers, I hope that if you find yourself in the midst of a big decision you are able to find solace and advice. Above all I hope that you muster the courage to commit to whatever choice you make and feel free in having the responsibility to take charge of your life. 

Stay strong, surf well 
