Sunday, 26 May 2013

The Universe.

Perspectives from my garden. 

Holly the friendliest cat in the world.

Sustenance smoothie style.

Finally confident to be barefaced. The healthy eating is fighting the blemishes and slowly winning. 
Green tea, acai, porridge, fruit and hemp the super foods making it happen!

For the loveliness of honey bees. 

Evidence that the UK occasionally sees blue skies. 

Mail from Marseille

Newborn Idris Matai, the picture inside the letter. Congratulations to my dear friend Slaven and his beautiful wife Mara.

6 miles into a 12 mile bike ride with Poppa Hobbs. 

The Universe seems strange to me at the moment.  Another dear university friend passed away in a frankly horrific accident and this is in the same week as the Woolwich attack. It's at times like these that I struggle to understand life and feel frustrated wondering why bad things happen to good people - where is the justice? 

It is now that I listen to my Buddhist practice the most. 

The Dalai Lama quotes: 
"One could say that it is our experience of suffering which connects us to others. It is the basis of our capacity for empathy..." 

Perhaps in the instances when I question humanity, this is the time to extend my hands and embrace our humanness, our fragility and be of service to others. On the day I discovered my friend Sarah McClay had died I had to go into work. I didn't want to be there, I wanted to wallow and try to come to terms with the utterly surreal situation I found myself in. Having to be cheerful and energetic in order to support the service users was exactly what I needed however and regardless of my own personal state, being a care worker and helping someone else enjoy their day always gives me a sense of satisfaction. 

There is a moment after love making that I lie with my partner lucid and sleepy. In this time we conspire together, talking at length sometimes about nothing but often about life's truths. In this small slice of life magic exists, we talk about our plans (mine are usually fantastical and involve emigrating) or about problems that bother us. Suddenly in the wake of all this loss and violence I treasure these precious little specks of ordinariness. I look upon my man and and feel wonder that I could be so in love with someone as exceptional as him. 

Today the sun shone and a bee landed on my toe and stayed there for fifteen minutes. Initially I wanted to flick it off but after a while I stopped being scared and had an opportunity to examine how gently it cleaned itself. I was almost sad when it left my sandal. 

My neighbor's 6 year old daughter came to talk with me, a blonde little thing with a hippie air and a penchant for talking. We made daisy chains together and talked about how much we loved animals - we even like gorillas the most. She told me how she wanted to be a vet and I was so moved I immediately went to fetch her all my childhood books about animals and told her she could have them. Abigail reminded me there is still hope and dreams left in the world. She's also made me remember the determined little girl I once was and how working with animals was always my dream. I need to fulfill this, even more so because of the constant mortality reminders I've been having lately. 

For now I'm concentrating on contentment, of finding the small everyday blessings I already have whilst working towards my big dreams. I'm eating fresh, keeping my body healthy, I'm valuing the dear people in my life, learning from the ignorant and trying to find the silver linings.

This is life I guess. 

I hope for you dear reader there is happiness in your own life, I wish for you good health and want you to know my blog is a respite for you, so tell me your dreams and we'll conspire together. 

Stay strong, surf well

Love Sophia 



Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Paradise is...

 ...having a healthy body & mind. Not so long ago my diet and the way I felt about my body was all centered around whether it was helping or hindering my combination skin (I was spotty). Nowadays my attitude is about wanting to fuel my surfing, to be fit, to be ethical and environmentally minded which, ironically has improved my skin (sans medicine and calming down on the amount of prod0uct I was bombarding my poor face with)! 

Nobody needs me to be mother mung bean by telling you what to eat or drink but I'd like to share with you some of my own experiences and how they've positively impacted my life... 

Being outdoors, getting that all important vitamin D from the sun, playing in the ocean and socializing whilst exercising is what makes surfing so impossibly wonderful. I'll always count it as one of the best life decisions I've made for my personal well being. Surfing also takes a lot out of you so I find it really important that my land based activities aid the effort I'm going to exert trying to stay on my board!  

The biggest impact I had on the quality of my skin was deciding to become vegan. I had been vegetarian from the precocious age of 8 (I told my parents I knew what happened to animals and didn't want to hurt anything anymore). A few influential individuals in university, along with some vegan cakes convinced me to try the vegan lifestyle and I've not looked back since. 

Don't get me wrong I have my slip ups and sometimes I do fantasize about Cadburys dairy milk chocolate but mostly I love my diet and the impact its had on my body. If your unsure about what a vegan actually eats, or thinks that we're these anemic, Edward Cullen types who don't like daylight then check out this enlightening video courtesy of Maka B the affable Rastafarian gent.  


Human beings are incredibly resilient and adaptable creatures, we're able to withstand both physical and emotional stress and whilst a little pressure is good in life to motivate you, too much and we become susceptible to all types of illnesses. 
We are tenants of our bodies, so it is up to us to ensure we properly take care of them. Here are some of my top tips for being surf ready and maintaining equilibrium in your own life...

Obviously everyone is different, so some drink/food you might find abhorrent or be allergic to...use your common sense and only do what feels right for YOU. 

1. Sip warm water with lemon early morning. 

Now ordinarily I am a stoic for a caffeinated drink on a morning, being the biggest tea belly you will ever meet, but even I have had to begrudgingly admit this has been a small change to my morning which has made a massive difference. I honestly feel like I have been cleansed from the inside out and its amazing how awake it makes you feel. 

2. Follow this by a green tea. 

I know initially it tastes like pond water but persevere because you'll develop a taste for green tea. Its high in anti oxidants and I have seen only in a short space of time how beneficial it has been to my skin. I'm by no means perfect but I can see blemishes starting to fade. WIN. 

3. Sweat. Strength. Stretch. 

Exercise can become stagnant if you don't switch it up and you'll fail to see results if you just jog twice a week (although this is better than nothing)! The biggest changes I've noticed to my body have been since I've participated in a variety of activities. I like to start the week doing some cardio such as running or aerobic work outs. I've become a big fan of as there are lots of free workouts you can partake in some as little as 20 minutes (but 20 minutes of hard work)! 

At some point during the week I do strength training such as rock climbing or another work out video that uses total body conditioning. Whilst cardio is good for fat burning if you work on building muscle mass and core strength you'll be burning calories and feeling strong for long after your workout. Finally I do yoga or swim to stretch out my entire body. I think a combination of the three types of exercise causes your body to never get too comfortable with a routine. 

If your strapped for time then walk, at the very least walk everywhere you can. 

4. Smooth it out. 

Initially I was a little skeptical of smoothies, to me making my food look like a babies jar variety didn't seem all that appetizing. Recently however I've been really getting into smoothies,especially during long shifts at work when I need a decaffeinated buzz! Try this recipe for a hit: 

The amazing green Hulk power smoothie!

1 cup of Kale
1 cup of Spinach leaves
1 banana 
handful of raspberries (optional) 
1 1/2 cups of Oat milk 

Add all blend away until green and smooth! I know it sounds disgusting but this tastes surprisingly delicious. 

Alternatively try 

The kick ass wake up smoothie!

1 carrot
1 inch raw ginger peeled and grated
1 apple 
oat milk/orange juice/soya (any one of your choice) 
1 banana to sweeten (optional) 

This one feels like a kick as the ginger really gives it some pep excellent for waking you up or a mid morning snack. 

5. Meditate on the go. 

Ideally we'd all like to have sufficient time to sit and contemplate life but finding ten spare minutes in a working day can feel impossible. One way of getting my 'om' time in is whilst commuting or making a cup of tea. You only need a few minutes to regulate your breathing and remind yourself to be mindful - easy peasy! 

6. Banish the bloat. 

Whether your a lady experiencing the regular teletubby bloat of 'that time of the month' or a guy who is eating foods which don't agree with the digestive system I recommend making Masala tea. I got the recipe from the wonderful Indian ladies I work with, this is amazing for helping beat bloat and easy stomach complaints. 

Masala Tea 

*To make enough tea to share between six 

1 tablespoon of fennel seeds
1 tablespoon of cloves
1 tablespoon of Cardamon pods
1 pint of water 
2 inch raw ginger peeled and choppped 
Black tea bags 
Sugar to taste 
Milk to taste

In a sauce pan add water, fennel, cloves, cardamon, ginger and sugar and allow to boil for 5 minutes. Add the teabags (if you wanted your tea like an English breakfast tea then add the milk, at this stage I usually add a smidgen more sugar and put soya milk seperately in my cup for afterwards). 

Pour through a tea strainer (or sieve if you don't have one) into a cup and voila Masala tea!  

Your gut will be happy :) 

7. Enjoy the process. 

Devon of The Mermaid Chronicles coined a very good phrase in one of her recent posts 
'I am in process' which I think is a wonderful attitude to have in terms of career progression and general contentment. I often find myself comparing my life to others and wanting to be a little more established in my career but its important to remember, we always have momentum. Having dreams and working towards them is an accomplishment in itself, so try your best not to be so hard on yourself, have an action plan and above all patience. 

Until next time water babies and land lubbers! 

Stay strong, surf well! 

Love Sophia 


Sunday, 19 May 2013

This is serious monkey business.

Hey water babies and land lovers, how the devil are you? 
I've had a pretty spiffing weekend which is concluding a lovely week of annual leave. Its weird to be thinking about going back to work tomorrow especially as having time and space to myself has been throwing up some interesting debates in my head. 

I miss my wildlife conservation work, the challenge of academia and feeling like I'm fulfilling my purpose of preserving our natural world. I'm incredibly fortunate that my current stop gap job is so rewarding (I am a support worker), but deep down I feel the shifting tides within me. I know a career is a mere slice of the pie chart, but for someone like me who enjoys working hard and striving, I feel that my career isn't quite mirroring my passions yet. 
I know what I need to do, I need to volunteer. Whilst I'm trying to scrape together savings and figure out my next move I should keep my finely honed conservation skills fresh by working in a nature park or a zoo. 

I understand that I'm in process, that everything happening to me now is intended and an important lesson. I should cherish this time because I have the space to really plan how I want to shape my life, what kind of person I aspire to be and how to make a positive impact. I was very well acquainted with post graduate depression and I know what I'm feeling now isn't this, its less frustration more a hunger to be purposeful. 

I hear of friends completing Masters and PhD's and whilst I'm immensely proud of them I'm also a little envious. I'm not sure if the academic route is for me but I do like the notion of dedicating myself to a topic and becoming an expert in it. Dr Hobbs. I kinda like the sound of that! 

I believe with every fiber of my body that we should all strive to find something(s) to be passionate about. Whether this is family, environmentalism, surfing, friends or art, whatever your passion stick the course and try to make a positive impact. I want to be dedicated. 

I'm striving to stay inspired which is why I hung out with an awesome person we both know, visited art galleries and made sure I got out in nature. Here are some photos of my adventures. 

Thoroughly Normal Adventures.

Metropolis an exhibition @ Birmingham Art Gallery. 

 (Below) Tapa - Bark cloth Paintings from the Pacific: I told you surfing was trying to find me! In the middle of Birmingham here is artwork from Pacific communities in the 20th Century. Check out the gorgeous dolphin and tuna fish motif. 

 Park life at Haden Hill with Antonio, Jack the dog and moi!


...Stay strong, Surf well! 

Friday, 17 May 2013


Surfing found me today exactly when I needed it. Listlessly flicking through T.V. channels the weirdest thing happened. My DVD player randomly started up the film Point Break (which I don't have on DVD) and I was allowed to enjoy classic lines as: 

"22 years. Man, L.A. has changed a lot during that time. The air got dirty and the sex got clean." 

"This was never about money for us. It was about us against the system. That system that kills the human spirit. We stand for something. To those dead souls inching along the freeways in their metal coffins, we show them that the human spirit is still alive."


Also lets talk about Keanu Reeves in a wet t-shirt...

Any who moving on. 

To be honest I've needed a little respite today, I am restless, a nomadic kind of restlessness. Perhaps I've had too much time to myself (forced annual leave to be precise), but I'm starting to think wildly about journeys. My method of making decisions in life tends to be very haphazard and spur of the moment. The kind of journeys I want to accomplish however are the sort which take months of saving and planning. I think I'd like to go to Australia for a year whilst I can get a working visa, or maybe New Zealand or Asia...The list is endless.

To accomplish all of these dreams I must have patience which I undoubtedly lack when it comes to myself. I've also got a job interview coming up soon, the kind of job which asks for a 60 question psychological questionnaire and ten minute presentation. *Gulp* 
So perhaps I'm reverting to old gypsy habits to cope with the stress and potential of a 'proper' job. 
A great ape keeper role has also come up at Twycross Zoo I can barely talk about it, I want it so much. Gorillas. Bonobos. Orangutans. Oh my gawd. Please let me get this. 

Well that's enough feeling sorry for myself for one day! Let's talk about something else. 

How to make Bare Foot Sandals. 

*for under £3

Making bare foot sandals is a really easy way to update last summers flip flops and give your winter feet some much needed pep. You will need: 

Cotton (I got mine for 20p each from the local market) 
Shells/beads/bells (I destroyed a few broken necklaces to get beads and shells). 

1. Measure out 9 strands of cotton (various colours give a really cool effect when plaited) and cut approximately 1/2 a meter, you need it to be long enough to wrap around your second toe and be able to tie round your ankle. (See below). 

2. Tie a loose loop around around your middle toe and start plaiting. 

3. As you plait on individual strands thread shells, beads and whatever else you fancy. 

4. Secure around foot and voila your very own barefoot sandal! 

Stay strong, surf well. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Sloths and Mermaids.


Listening to SunSay & John Forte - Wind Song <3 

Today I received a parcel from my friend Phil, inside it contained a poetry anthology I had originally made for my friend Joey. It was hard to have this poetry book back knowing that my friend is no longer here to appreciate the poems I had lovingly written for him. 

I'd like to share with you a poem I wrote called: 

The Mermaids Daughter 

I am the Mermaid's daughter, 
I lure with the lilt of my heart song,
til both boat and man are dashed. 
But if you listen closely my beckon is not 
of demise. 
I am mourning, I am yearning to know how it is to love. 
I tell the whales and they sing of my sadness. 
Alas I am the Mermaid's daughter
I long with the lilt of my heart song. 

By Sophia Hobbs (aged 18). 

I find it both sad and warming that at 18 I was thinking of the sea well before I had ever even picked up a surfboard. To quote Roxy the sea sets me free. 

Any who...

How to make a Sloth bag*

*For under £5.

You will need: 

- A bag (I had an old one which cost £1.50 originally)

- Shades of felt (I had some left over ones and brought two new  
  for £1.60) use brown, cream, black and red. 
- Paper, pencil and pins to make templates for the sloth face/hearts
- A glue gun. 

Takes 1 hour to make. 

1. Assemble your crafts and start by drawing a sloth face shape on paper, you will need:

- 1 circle for the head
- 1 heart shape for the inner face
- 2 egg shapes for the eyes
- 2 black circles for pupils
- 1 large black circle for the nose
- 4 hearts of various sizes. 

2. Cut out the shapes, at this stage you can also plug the glue gun in and let it warm up. 

3. Start by gluing the largest face shape on the bag, try to get it central. Add the heart shaped face piece, then the eye patches, the black pupil and finally the nose as shown above. 

4. Lastly glue on the red hearts. Allow bag to dry. 

Voila sloth bag! 

This Week... 

I came across this gorgeous artwork in a changing room of all places!
Henna art work kindly done by my friend Emily! 

Emily's kittens awwwwwww! 


 And finally...

Buddy the Sloth Says...

Which bird makes the longest migration? 
Well folks that would be the Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). 
Our little feathered friend makes a staggering annual trip from the Arctic to the Antarctic where it spends winter. For this reason the Arctic tern sees more sunlight each year than any other animal, as they experience a second summer by travelling south in the Winter! Sounds like too much hard work to me... 

Love Buddy. 

Until next time... 

Stay Strong, Surf Well.